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9 titres trouvés

[21469]   Wookey, Alfred John (1921) : Secwana grammar with exercises: English into Secwana and Secwana into English
[21470]   Wookey, Alfred John (1929) : Secwana and English phrases: with an introduction to grammar and vocabulary
[21471]   Wookey, Alfred John (1945) : Secwana and English phrases: with an introduction to grammar and vocabulary
[21472]   Wookey, Alfred John (1948) : Secwana and English phrases: with an introduction to grammar and vocabulary
[21473]   Wookey, Alfred John (1953) : Secwana and English phrases: with an introduction to grammar and vocabulary
[21474]   Wookey, Alfred John (1956) : Secwana and English phrases: with an introduction to grammar and vocabulary
[21475]   Wookey, Alfred John (1963) : Tswana-English phrasebook (Puisanyo ya sekgowa le setswana), with a short introduction to grammar and a vocabulary
[21476]   Wookey, Alfred John (1969) : Secwana and English phrases: with an introduction to grammar and vocabulary
[21477]   Wookey, Alfred John (1975) : Setswana-English phrasebook (Puisanyo ya Sekgowa le Setswana), with a vocabulary and short introduction to grammar