Une seule langue concernée

19 titres trouvés

[5477]   Dirven, René & Victor [N.] [C.] Webb (1993) : Introduction to the LiCCA (Languages in contact and conflict in Africa) research and development programme: information broschure
[18696]   Smieja, Birgit , René Dirven & Victor [N.] [C.] Webb (Ed) (1997) : The LICCA bibliography (LICBIB): working paper in preparation for the LICCA conference
[20765]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (1979) : Language attitudes in a segregated society: the Afrikaans-speaking Coloured community in Port Elizabeth, South Africa
[20766]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (1983) : On the South African English vowel system
[20769]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (1990) : Language planning in South Africa: lessons from Namibia
[20770]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (1992) : Language attitudes in South Africa: implications for a post-apartheid democracy
[20771]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (1993) : Die herkoms van oranjerivierafrikaans
[20772]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (1994) : Language policy and planning in RSA
[20773]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (1994) : Revalorizing the autochthonous languages of Africa
[20774]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (1995) : The technicalization of the autochthonous languages of South Africa: constraints from a present day perspective
[20776]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (1996) : Language planning and politics in South Africa
[20779]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (2002) : Language in South Africa: the role of language in national transformation, reconstruction and development
[20781]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (2004) : African languages as media of instruction in South Africa: stating the case
[20767]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (Ed) (1983) : Taalseminaar 83: die funksionalisme
[20768]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (Ed) (1984) : Conference papers from the 20th national conference of the Linguistic Society of Southern Africa
[20775]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] (Ed) (1995) : Language in South Africa: an input into language planning for a post-apartheid South Africa = The LiCCA (SA) report
[20778]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] & E. Kembo Sure (Ed) (2001) : African voices: an introduction to the languages and linguistics of Africa
[20777]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] & Mariana Kriel (2000) : Afrikaans and Afrikaner nationalism
[20780]   Webb, Victor [N.] [C.] , Biki Lepota & Refilwe Ramagoshi (2004) : Using Northern Sotho as medium of instruction in vocational training