Une seule langue concernée
10 titres trouvés
[20164] UNESCO (1953) : The use of vernacular languages in education: report of the UNESCO meeting of specialists, 1951
[20165] UNESCO (1966) : Final report of the meeting of a group of experts for the unification of alphabets of national languages, Bamako, Mali, 28 February - 5 March, 1966
[20166] UNESCO (1970) : Functional literacy
[20167] UNESCO (1972) : Literacy 1969-1971
[20168] UNESCO (1981) : African languages: proceedings of the meeting of experts on the transcription and harmonization of African languages, Niamey, 17-21 July 1978
[20169] UNESCO (1981) : Bibliography of major decisions, meetings and documents related to UNESCO’s activities in the domain of mother tongue instruction and languages
[20170] UNESCO (1981) : African languages: proceedings of the meeting of experts on the use of regional or sub-regional African languages as media of culture and communication within the continent, Bamako, Mali, 18-22 June 1979
[20171] UNESCO (1982) : The use of African languages as languages of education (ED-82/MINADEF/REF5)
[20172] UNESCO (1985) : African community languages and their use in literacy and education
[25197] Unesco (2006) : Lexique du Kóya langue des populations Pygmées du Nord-Est du Gabon