4 langues concernées
6 titres trouvés
[25820] Andreas, Heike , Rudolf Leger & Ulrike Zoch (2009) : The Nyam language: first steps toward a grammatical description
[25321] Leger, Rudolf & Ulrike Zoch (2011) : Intransitive Copy Pronouns in Chadic
[21888] Zoch, Ulrike (2000) : Genus im Hausa von Kumasi (Ghana)
[26523] Zoch, Ulrike (2013) : Perfectives in the Bole-Tangale languages
[27252] Zoch, Ulrike (2017) : Pluractionals in Bole-Tangale languages (West-Chadic)
[27809] Zoch, Ulrike (2020) : Experiencer constructions