3 langues concernées

7 titres trouvés

[8406]   Hayward, Richard J. & Yoichi Tsuge (1998) : Concerning case in Omotic
[19987]   Tsuge, Yoichi (1993) : Ari-go [Aari language]
[19988]   Tsuge, Yoichi (1995) : [On the phonetic correspondences of South Omotic]
[19989]   Tsuge, Yoichi (1996) : On the consonant correspondences of South Omotic languages
[27094]   Tsuge, Yoichi (2008) : A Basic Word List of the Dime Language
[27096]   Tsuge, Yoichi (2006) : On the Galila Dialect of the Aari Language
[27102]   Tsuge, Yoichi (2005) : Notes on Some Modal and Aspectual Morphemes in Aari