8 langues concernées

14 titres trouvés

[18734]   Snider, Keith L. (1984) : Vowel harmony and the consonant l in Chumburung
[18735]   Snider, Keith L. (1988) : The noun class system of proto-Guang and its implications for internal classification
[18736]   Snider, Keith L. (1989) : The vowels of proto-Guang
[18737]   Snider, Keith L. (1989) : North-Guang comparative wordlist: Chumburung, Krachi, Nawuri, Gichode, Gonja
[18738]   Snider, Keith L. (1990) : Tone in proto-Guang nouns
[18739]   Snider, Keith L. (1990) : The consonants of proto-Guang
[18740]   Snider, Keith L. (1998) : Phonetic realization of downstep in Bimoba
[22994]   Snider, Keith L. (1990) : Studies in Guang phonology
[23004]   Snider, Keith L. (1985) : Vowel coalescence across word boundaries in Chumburung
[23009]   Snider, Keith L. (1986) : Apocope, tone and the glottal stop in Chumburung
[23010]   Snider, Keith L. (1989) : Vowel coalescence in Chumburung: an autosegmental approach
[23013]   Snider, Keith L. (1990) : Tonal upstep in Krachi: evidence for a register tier
[23070]   Snider, Keith L. (1998/99) : Tonal ‘upstep’ in Engenni
[28728]   Snider, Keith L. (2021) : Floating tone noun class prefixes in Mada (Nigeria)