5 langues concernées
17 titres trouvés
[24746] Gibbard, George , Hannah Rohde & Sharon Rose (2009) : Moro Noun Class Morphology
[28117] Naser, Angelo Ali & Sharon Rose (2020) : Ideophones in Moro
[26844] Ritchart, Amanda & Sharon Rose (2015) : Schwas in Moro Vowel Harmony
[17399] Rose, Sharon (1983) : Palatalization, underspecification and plane conflation in Chaha
[17400] Rose, Sharon (1992) : De la palatalisation en chaha
[17401] Rose, Sharon (1992) : Locality conditions in Chaha palatalization
[17402] Rose, Sharon (1994) : The historical development of secondary articulation in Gurage
[17403] Rose, Sharon (1997) : Theoretical issues in comparative Ethio-Semitic phonology and morphology
[17404] Rose, Sharon (2000) : Epenthesis positioning and syllable contact in Chaha
[17407] Rose, Sharon (2003) : The formation of Ethiopian Semitic internal reduplication
[17408] Rose, Sharon (2003) : Triple take: Tigre and the case of internal reduplication
[17409] Rose, Sharon (2004) : Long-distance vowel-consonant agreement in Harari
[23425] Rose, Sharon (1991) : Inflectional affix order in Ethio-Semitic and phonological form
[26540] Rose, Sharon (2013) : The morphological structure of the Moro verb
[27993] Rose, Sharon (2018) : The typology of vowel harmony in Nuba Mountain Languages
[27370] Rose, Sharon , Farrell Ackerman , George Gibbard , Peter Jenks , Laura Kertz & Hannah Rohde (2014) : In-situ and ex-situ wh-question constructions in Moro
[26172] Strabone, Andrew & Sharon Rose (2012) : Morphophonological Properties of Moro Causatives