2 langues concernées
8 titres trouvés
[28322] Hantgan, Abbie , Serge Sagna & Stuart Davis (2020) : Moraic preservation and equivalence in Gújjolaay Eegimaa perfective reduplication
[25196] Sagna, Serge (2008) : Formal and semantic properties of the Gújjolaay Eegimaa (A.k.a Banjal) nominal classification system
[26030] Sagna, Serge (2010) : Issues in noun classification and noun class assignment in Gújjolay Eegimaa (Banjal) and other Jóola languages
[26307] Sagna, Serge (2012) : Physical properties and culture-specific factors as principles of semantic categorisation of the Gújjolaay Eegimaa noun class system
[26333] Sagna, Serge (2011) : Semantic categorisations in the Gújjolaay Eegimaa collectives and distributives
[27886] Sagna, Serge (2019) : A typological overview of Eegimaa (Jóola Banjal)
[28368] Sagna, Serge (2017) : Morphological alternation and event delimitation in Eegimaa
[28861] Sagna, Serge (2022) : Cross-categorial classification : nouns and verbs in Eegimaa