14 langues concernées
31 titres trouvés
[17457] Rottland, Fra (1995) : Proto-Southern Nilotic *R
[1633] Rottland, Franz (1983) : Marakwet dialects: synchronic and diachronic aspects
[17433] Rottland, Franz (1970) : Die Verbformen des Yanzi
[17434] Rottland, Franz (1977) : Reflexes of Proto-Bantu phonemes in Yanzi (B.85)
[17435] Rottland, Franz (1977) : Zur Gliederung der südnilotischen Sprachen
[17437] Rottland, Franz (1979) : Die südnilotischen Sprachen: eine vergleichende Untersuchung
[17438] Rottland, Franz (1979) : The reconstruction of proto-Kalenjin
[17439] Rottland, Franz (1980) : Vowel harmony in southern Nilotic
[17441] Rottland, Franz (1981) : The segmental morphology of proto-Southern Nilotic
[17442] Rottland, Franz (1982) : Die südnilotischen Sprachen: Beschreibung, Vergleichung und Rekonstruktion
[17443] Rottland, Franz (1982) : Recent publications on Kalenjin
[17445] Rottland, Franz (1983) : Southern Nilotic (with an outline of Datooga)
[17446] Rottland, Franz (1983) : Lexical correspondences between Kuliak and southern Nilotic
[17447] Rottland, Franz (1983) : Zur sprachlichen Herkunft ostafrikanischer Wildbeuter
[17450] Rottland, Franz (1989) : Southern Nilotic reconstructions
[17451] Rottland, Franz (1990) : A sketch of Shinasha morphology
[17455] Rottland, Franz (1993) : ‘Suba’: searching for linguistic correlates to an ethnic notion
[17456] Rottland, Franz (1994) : Cattle-naming in north-central Tanzania: a case of borrowing
[17458] Rottland, Franz (1996) : Genetic and areal features of vowel harmony in East Africa
[17459] Rottland, Franz (1997) : Lexical reconstruction within Nilotic
[17460] Rottland, Franz (2003) : Okiek plant names
[17453] Rottland, Franz & Angelika Jakobi (1991) : Loan word evidence from the Nuba Mountains: Kordofan Nubian and the Nyimang group
[17449] Rottland, Franz & Duncan Okoth Okombo (1986) : The Suba of Kenya: a case of growing ethnicity with receding language competence
[17454] Rottland, Franz & Duncan Okoth Okombo (1992) : Language shift among the Suba of Kenya
[17444] Rottland, Franz & Laura Ariko Otaala (1983) : Mid-vowel assimilation in Teso-Turkana
[17452] Rottland, Franz & Lucia Ndongʼa Omondi (Ed) (1991) : Proceedings of the 3rd Nilo-Saharan linguistics colloquium, Kisumu, Kenya, August 4-9, 1986
[22717] Rottland, Franz & Maarten Mous (2001) : Datooga and Iraqw: a comparison of subsistence vocabulary
[17436] Rottland, Franz & Rainer Vossen (1977) : Grundlagen für eine Klärung des Dorobo-Problems
[17440] Rottland, Franz & Rainer Vossen (1981) : Sprache und Geschichte
[17448] Rottland, Franz & Rainer Vossen (Ed) (1986) : African hunter-gatherers: proceedings from an international symposium on hunter-gatherers, St Augustin, January 1985
[17461] Rottland, Franz & Ralf Grosserhode (2004) : Observations on Swahili and Midzichenda plant names