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18 titres trouvés
[27825] Karan, Elke & David Roberts (2020) : Orthography standardization
[23116] Roberts, David (2002) : Les classes tonales du verbe en kabiyè
[23554] Roberts, David (2003) : Tone spreading in the Kabiye associative noun phrase
[24470] Roberts, David (2006) : Double sens, doubles consonnes
[24471] Roberts, David (2006) : Une idée capitale pour traiter les tons!
[24472] Roberts, David (2008) : Toute de suite ou pas? une proposition pour rendre plus aisée la lecture de deux conjugaisons verbales
[25084] Roberts, David (2003) : La tonologie des préfixes de modalité en Kabiyè
[25085] Roberts, David (2005) : The variable status of nasals as tone bearing units in Kabiye
[25086] Roberts, David (2008) : Lʼorthographe du ton en Kabiyè au banc dʼessai
[25087] Roberts, David (2008) : The two Kabiye orthographies: a sociolinguistic and linguistic comparison
[25088] Roberts, David (2008) : Thirty years of tone orthography testing in West African languages (1977-2007)
[25089] Roberts, David (2009) : Visual crowding and the tone orthography of African languages
[26725] Roberts, David (2011) : Autosegmental and pedagogical considerations in preparation for a tone orthography experiment in Kabiye
[26993] Roberts, David (2014) : Professional networking – a prerequisite for participatory orthography research in Kabiye (Togo)
[27385] Roberts, David (2016) : Word tone and tonal overwriting in Kabiye nouns
[28401] Roberts, David (2019) : The Tone of Kabiye Verbal Extensions
[28445] Roberts, David (2021) : Polarity, Low Tone Spread, and Underspecification in the Kabiye Verb Phrase
[28767] Roberts, David (2022) : Moraic tone-bearing units in Kabiye