127 langues concernées
466 titres trouvés
[359] Ajello, Roberto (1984) : Il focus nell’idioma degli Ashraaf di Shingaani
[360] Ajello, Roberto (1984) : Substantives as predicates in Somali
[362] Ajello, Roberto (1995) : La focalizzizione in somali
[24850] Ajello, Roberto (2007) : The linguistic expression of spatial relation in the Gizey language
[361] Ajello, Roberto & Annarita Puglielli (1988) : More on “hybrid verbs” and other grammatical categories in Somali
[24860] Ajello, Roberto , Mayore Karyo , Antonio Melis & Ousmanou Dobio (2001) : Lexique comparatif de six langues du tchadique central (Gizey, Ham, Lew, Marba, Masa, Musey)
[1006] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1962) : Glottochronology and African linguistics
[1007] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1963) : Vernacular languages and cultures in modern Africa
[1008] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1963) : The Idoma verb
[1009] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1963) : The subjunctive in Idoma
[1010] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1964) : The study of West African languages
[1011] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1964) : Notes on Etulo
[1012] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1964) : The use of linguistics and ethnographic data in the study of Idoma and Yoruba history
[1013] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1965) : Comparative wordlists of two dialects of Yoruba with Igala
[1014] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1967) : A comparative wordlist of five Igbo dialects
[1015] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1967) : The study of West African languages
[1016] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1968) : Language policies and language practices in West Africa
[1017] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1968) : Yala (Ikom): a terraced-level language with three tones
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[1019] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1979) : The consonant system of Akpa
[1020] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1981) : The Idomoid language sub-family of the eastern Kwa borderland
[1021] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1983) : The Idomoid languages of the Benue and Cross River valleys
[1022] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1985) : The tenth vowel in proto-Kwa
[1023] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1989) : Idomoid
[22759] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (Ed) (1986) : Orthographies of Nigerian languages
[27865] Arnaud, Robert (1899) : Contribution à l’étude de la langue peuhle ou foulhaniyya
[27866] Arnaud, Robert (1900) : Contribution à l’étude de la langue peuhle ou foulhaniyya
[27867] Arnaud, Robert (1901) : Contribution à l’étude de la langue peuhle ou foulhaniyya
[27868] Arnaud, Robert (1901) : Contribution à l’étude de la langue peuhle ou foulhaniyya
[27869] Arnaud, Robert (1901) : Contribution à l’étude de la langue peuhle ou foulhaniyya
[27870] Arnaud, Robert (1902) : Contribution à l’étude de la langue peuhle ou foulhaniyya
[27871] Arnaud, Robert (1902) : Contribution à l’étude de la langue peuhle ou foulhaniyya
[1089] Aspinion, Robert (19--) : Maroc 1/5000,000: carte linguistique
[1090] Aspinion, Robert (1953) : Apprenons le berbère: initiation aux dialectes chleuhs
[1102] Atiru, Robert S. (1978) : A phonological study of tone in Kasem
[1350] Baldauf jnr, Richard B. & Robert B. Kaplan (Ed) (2004) : Language planning and policy in Africa, I: Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, and South Africa
[1419] Bamgbose, Ayo & Robert Gelston Armstrong (1974) : Mathematical concepts in Yoruba
[1600] Barreteau, Daniel & Robert Hedinger (Ed) (1989) : Description de langues camerounaises
[2042] Bender, Marvin Lionel & Robert L. Cooper (1971) : Mutual intelligibility within Sidamo
[2051] Bender, Marvin Lionel , J. Donald Bowen , Robert L. Cooper & Charles A. Ferguson (Ed) (1976) : Language in Ethiopia
[2305] Best, Catherine T. & Robert A. Avery (1999) : Left-hemisphere advantage for click consonants is determined by linguistic significance and experience
[2303] Best, Catherine T. , Gerald W. McRoberts & Nomathemba M. Sithole (1988) : Examination of perceptual reorganisation for nonnative speech contrasts: Zulu click discrimination by English-speaking adults and infants
[2304] Best, Catherine T. , Gerald W. McRoberts , Rosemarie LaFleur & Jean Silver-Isenstadt (1995) : Divergent developmental patterns for infants’ perception of two nonnative consonant contrasts
[2398] Biesele, Megan [Marguerite] [Anne] , Robert James Gordon & Richard B. Lee (Ed) (1986) : The past and future of !Kung ethnography: critical reflections and symbolic perspectives. Essays in honour of Lorna Marshall
[2491] Blackledge, [Reverend] George Robert (1921) : A Luganda-English and English-Luganda vocabulary
[27858] Blench, Roger M. , Paul Imoh & Robert Hyslop (2019) : A Dictionary of the Basa Language with an English-Basa Reverse
[27970] Bohnhoff, Lee E. (compiler) ; Hedinger , Robert & Marlene Ferguson (Eds) (2019) : Dictionnaire dii (dourou) – français avec indexes français et anglais
[27247] Botne Robert, & Adrien Pouille, in collaboration with Rokhaya Seck (2016) : A Saafi-Saafi (Sébikotane Variety) and English // French Dictionary
[26033] Botne, Robert (2009) : The curious case of auxiliary –many’a in Lwitaxo
[26052] Botne, Robert (2006) : Motion, time, and tense: on the grammaticization of come and go to future markers in Bantu
[26239] Botne, Robert (2010) : Perfectives and perfects and pasts, oh my!: On the semantics of -ILE in Bantu
[28578] Botne, Robert (2019) : Chimpoto N14
[28502] Botne, Robert & Tiffany L. Kershner (2000) : Time, tense, and the perfect in Zulu
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[2945] Botne, Robert Dale (1983) : The semantics of tense in Kinyarwanda
[2946] Botne, Robert Dale (1983) : La sémantique du temps en kinyarwanda
[2947] Botne, Robert Dale (1983) : On the notion “inchoative verb” in Kinyarwanda
[2948] Botne, Robert Dale (1986) : The temporal role of eastern Bantu -ba and -li
[2949] Botne, Robert Dale (1987) : Semantics and pragmatics of tense in Kikerebe and Kinyarwanda
[2950] Botne, Robert Dale (1989) : The function of auxiliary -bá in Kinyarwanda
[2951] Botne, Robert Dale (1989) : Reconstruction of a grammaticalized auxiliary in Bantu
[2952] Botne, Robert Dale (1989) : Quelques remarques sur les roles du morpheme -ra-: une response a Y. Cadiou
[2953] Botne, Robert Dale (1989/90) : The historical relation of Cigogo to Zone J languages
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[2955] Botne, Robert Dale (1990/91) : Verbal prosody in Ciruri
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[2958] Botne, Robert Dale (1992) : Double reflexes in eastern and southern Bantu
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[2961] Botne, Robert Dale (1993) : Noun incorporation into verbs: the curious case of “ground” in Bantu
[2964] Botne, Robert Dale (1995) : The pronominal origin of an evidential
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[2967] Botne, Robert Dale (1998) : Prosodically-conditioned vowel shortening in Chindali
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[2969] Botne, Robert Dale (2003) : Lega (Beya dialect) (D25)
[2970] Botne, Robert Dale (2003) : Dissociation in tense, realis and location in Chindali verbs
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[2972] Botne, Robert Dale (2005) : Cognitive schemas and motion verbs: ‘coming’ and ‘going’ in Chindali (Eastern Bantu)
[22623] Botne, Robert Dale (2002) : Towards a typology of die verbs in African languages
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[27056] Botne, Robert Dale (2010) : Three properties of temporal organization in Bantu T/A systems
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[3158] Brandon, Frank Roberts (1974) : The structure of the verb in Swahili
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[4522] Cooper, Robert L. (1976) : The study of language use
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[23499] Daniels, Robert E. , Mari H. Clark & Timothy J. McMillan (1987) : A bibliography of the Kalenjin peoples of East Africa
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[8645] Herbert, Robert K. (1991) : Patterns in language change, acquisition and dissolution: noun prefixes and concords in Bantu
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[8655] Herbert, Robert K. (1997) : The meaning of language choices in South Africa: social and pragmatic factors
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[9421] Hvitfeldt, Robert Denier (1982) : The major syntactic structures of Xhosa: a partial transformational grammar
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[24538] Iddah, Robert Komra (1980 [1975]) : Siwu
[9636] Isaac, Kendall & James Roberts (1999) : Sociolinguistic survey of the Besmé language of Chad
[9690] Jacobs, Robert (1966) : English language teaching in Nigeria: an assessment of the situation with recommendations for action
[10405] Kaplan, Robert B. & Richard B. Baldauf jnr (Ed) (1999) : Language planning in Malawi, Mozambique and the Philippines
[27825] Karan, Elke & David Roberts (2020) : Orthography standardization
[25761] Kerr, Robert (2010) : Some thoughts on the origins of the Libyco-Berber alphabet
[26284] Kievit, Dirk & Erika Robertson (2012) : Notes on Gwama grammar
[10922] Kitching, Arthur Leonard & [Reverend] George Robert Blackledge (1925) : A Luganda-English and English-Luganda dictionary
[11133] Koops, Robert (1990) : Aspects of the grammar of Kuteb (Nigeria, Jukunoid)
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