4 langues concernées

41 titres trouvés

[15721]   Ohly, Rajmund (1964) : Jezyk suahili
[15722]   Ohly, Rajmund (1965) : Patterns of new-coined abstract terms (nominal forms) in modern Swahili language
[15723]   Ohly, Rajmund (1966) : Exocentric function of noun in Swahili
[15724]   Ohly, Rajmund (1967) : Syntactic group and compound word in the Swahili language: attempt at classification
[15725]   Ohly, Rajmund (1973) : Dating of Swahili language
[15726]   Ohly, Rajmund (1982) : Swahili: the diagram of crises
[15728]   Ohly, Rajmund (1982) : Report on the state of modern Swahili in urban Nukoba
[15729]   Ohly, Rajmund (1982) : Stress assimilation of Swahili Oriental loanwords in Runyankore
[15730]   Ohly, Rajmund (1984) : Linguistic differentials in Herero and Swahili: a case study in paradigmatic economy
[15731]   Ohly, Rajmund (1984) : The dynamics of the verbal stem in Herero
[15732]   Ohly, Rajmund (1984) : Nesting in Herero: language economy or language philosophy
[15733]   Ohly, Rajmund (1984/85) : Moderne Begriffsbildung in der Herero-Sprache
[15735]   Ohly, Rajmund (1985) : Herero: academic handbook
[15736]   Ohly, Rajmund (1985) : The exclamation mark “!” in Kiswahili
[15737]   Ohly, Rajmund (1987) : Swahili-English slang pocket dictionary
[15738]   Ohly, Rajmund (1987) : The destabilization of the Herero language
[15739]   Ohly, Rajmund (1987) : Afrikaans loan-words in Herero: the question of folk taxonomy
[15740]   Ohly, Rajmund (1987) : Primary technical dictionary: English-Swahili
[15742]   Ohly, Rajmund (1988) : Sociolectal divergence in dialectometrics
[15743]   Ohly, Rajmund (1988) : Language planning and education in Tanzania
[15744]   Ohly, Rajmund (1989) : Linguistic ecology: the African language case
[15745]   Ohly, Rajmund (1990) : Standard versus colloquial developments in the Herero language
[15746]   Ohly, Rajmund (1990) : Johannesburg: a multilingual city
[15747]   Ohly, Rajmund (1990) : The Herero language: an outline
[15748]   Ohly, Rajmund (1990) : Herero ecology. Part 1: sociolinguistic and cultural interference
[15749]   Ohly, Rajmund (1991) : Sociolinguistic research into the cultural status quo
[15750]   Ohly, Rajmund (1992) : The van der Merwe impact
[15751]   Ohly, Rajmund (1992) : Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of sociolinguistics in pre-independent Namibia: the effects of first and second order observation
[15752]   Ohly, Rajmund (1993) : Noise in the Namibian communication system
[15753]   Ohly, Rajmund (1994) : The position of the Subiya language in Caprivi
[15754]   Ohly, Rajmund (1995) : Lexical engineering in African languages: exemplified through Herero
[15755]   Ohly, Rajmund (1995) : Dhimba: a Herero dialect
[15756]   Ohly, Rajmund (1999) : A grammatical sketch of Herero
[15757]   Ohly, Rajmund (2000) : Folk-taxonomy in reactive and exact term coinage, exemplified by Herero terminology
[15758]   Ohly, Rajmund (2000) : Herero ecology: the literary impact
[15759]   Ohly, Rajmund (2004) : Triglossia: African privilege or necessity?
[23465]   Ohly, Rajmund (196-) : Abstract nouns within the system of noun class 14 in Swahili
[28495]   Ohly, Rajmund (2002) : Alternation in a Unique Herero Loan-fable
[15734]   Ohly, Rajmund (Ed) (1985) : Names conference: third congress of the Names Society of Southern Africa held in Windhoek, 25-26 September 1985
[15741]   Ohly, Rajmund (Ed) (1987) : Professional terminology in African languages: theory and practice. Workshop papers from a conference held at the Academy, Windhoek, 29 September - 1 October 1987
[15727]   Ohly, Rajmund & A. G. Gibbe (1982) : Language development: lexical elaboration of Kiswahili to meet new educational demands