2 langues concernées

15 titres trouvés

[16715]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1978) : Die kopulatiewe in Zulu met verwysing na ander Bantoetale
[16716]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1980) : Relatives and adjectives as nouns in copulative wordgroups with special reference to Zulu
[16717]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1982) : A review of the so-called be/-ba past tenses of Zulu
[16718]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1983) : Werkwoordkategorieë in Zulu
[16719]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1984) : Tyd en tempus met verwysing na Zulu
[16720]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1987) : Relevancy and applicability of terminology concerning the essential verb categories in the African languages
[16721]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1988) : Basis for tense analysis in African languages
[16722]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1988) : Identifying copulative in Zulu and Southern Sotho
[16723]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1990) : Time reference in Zulu
[16724]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1993) : The hierarchy of the essential verb categories in Zulu
[16725]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1993) : The expression of spatial relations in the African languages
[16726]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1994) : Word-based vs root-based morphology in the African languages
[16727]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (1999) : Can the deictic centre be shifted?
[16728]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (2000) : The so-called adjective in Zulu
[16729]   Posthumus, Lionel C. (2000) : When does ‘become’ become ‘be’?