11 langues concernées
30 titres trouvés
[3045] Boyd, Raymond & Helma Pasch (1988) : Le groupe sere-ngbaka-mba
[27682] Degbe, Joseph , Musafiri Grodya , Tshimanga Ntumba & Helma Pasch (2019) : Quatre Textes Zande
[16254] Pasch, Helma (1980) : Linguistische Aspekte der Verbreiterung lateinamerikanischer Nutzplanzen in Afrika
[16255] Pasch, Helma (1985) : Die deverbale Derivation im Sango
[16256] Pasch, Helma (1985) : Possession and possessive classifiers in ‘Dongo-ko
[16257] Pasch, Helma (1987) : Die Mba-Sprachen: die Nominalklassensysteme und die genetische Gliederung einer Gruppe von Ubangi-Sprachen
[16260] Pasch, Helma (1988) : Die Entlehnung von Bantu-Präfixen in eine Nichtbantu-Sprache
[16261] Pasch, Helma (199-) : Standardisierung internationaler afrikanischer Verkehrssprachen
[16263] Pasch, Helma (1992) : Rapport préliminaire sur une recherche socio-linguistique sur les variantes du sango (République Centafricaine)
[16264] Pasch, Helma (1993) : Phonological similarities between Sango and its base language: is Sango pidgin/creole or a koiné?
[16266] Pasch, Helma (1994) : Religiolekte des Sango
[16267] Pasch, Helma (1994) : Status and role of Sango in the Central African Republic as constrasted to French
[16268] Pasch, Helma (1994) : Le rôle du sango dans l’éducation scolaire et la communication publique
[16269] Pasch, Helma (1995) : Kurzgrammatik des Ewe
[16270] Pasch, Helma (1997) : Sango
[16271] Pasch, Helma (1997) : The choice of linguae francae in triglossic environments in Africa
[24816] Pasch, Helma (2007) : Grammar of location and motion in Zande
[24982] Pasch, Helma (1998) : Le sango, langue officielle de la République Centreafricaine
[25330] Pasch, Helma (2011) : Zande Attributes and Pronoun Copying
[25531] Pasch, Helma (2012) : Two multifunctional locative and directional prepositions in Zande
[25581] Pasch, Helma (2012) : From anaphoric pronoun to copula in Zande
[26798] Pasch, Helma (2014) : Number and numerals in Zande
[27258] Pasch, Helma (2017) : Verbal plural in Zande
[27700] Pasch, Helma (2010) : Mandombe
[27771] Pasch, Helma (2020) : Ubangi
[27795] Pasch, Helma (2020) : Zande
[16265] Pasch, Helma (Ed) (1994) : Sango, the national official language of the Central African Republic: proceedings of the colloquium “The status and uses of Sango in Central African Republic” held in Cologne, September, 3-4, 1992
[16258] Pasch, Helma & Robin E. W. Thelwall (1987) : Losses and innovations in Nubi
[16259] Pasch, Helma & Talmy Givón (1988) : Verb complementation in Sango
[16262] Pasch, Helma & Talmy Givón (1990) : Complementation in Sango