3 langues concernées
7 titres trouvés
[16055] Ouhalla, Jamal (1988) : The syntax of head movement: a study of Berber
[16056] Ouhalla, Jamal (1989) : Clitic movement and the ECP: evidence from Berber and Romance languages
[16057] Ouhalla, Jamal (1993) : Negation, focus and tense: the Arabic maa and laa
[16058] Ouhalla, Jamal (1994) : Focus in Standard Arabic
[16059] Ouhalla, Jamal (1994) : Verb movement and word order in Arabic
[16060] Ouhalla, Jamal (1996) : The construct state in Berber
[16061] Ouhalla, Jamal (1997) : Genitive subjects and the VSO order