4 langues concernées

6 titres trouvés

[5757]   Dubnova, Elena Zinovʼevna & Elena Alekseevna Osnitskaya (1990) : [Saharanian languages]
[16016]   Osnitskaya, Elena Alekseevna (1962) : Imennoe slovoobrazovanie v yazyke Hausa
[16017]   Osnitskaya, Elena Alekseevna (1963) : Kratkiy ocherk gramatiki yazyka Khausa [An outline of the grammar of the Hausa language]
[16018]   Osnitskaya, Elena Alekseevna (1966) : Inversiya adresata deistviya v prostom i slozhnom predlozheniyi yazyka Khausa [Inversion du destineur et de l’addressé dans la phrase simple et composée de la langue haoussa]
[16019]   Osnitskaya, Elena Alekseevna (1971) : Genitivnyye konstrukciyi v chadochamititskikh yazykach [Genitive constructions in Chadohamitic languages]
[16020]   Osnitskaya, Elena Alekseevna (1972) : [The study of the Semito-Hamitic languages of the Chad Basin]