4 langues concernées
26 titres trouvés
[22808] Jong, Kenneth de & Samuel Gyasi Obeng (2000) : Labio-palatalization in Twi: contrastive, quantal, and organizational factors producing an uncommon sound
[28215] Lotven, Samson , Silvina Bongiovanni , Phillip Weirich , Robert Botne & Samuel Gyasi Obeng (2019) : African linguistics across the disciplines: Selected papers from the 48th Annual Conference on African Linguistics
[15574] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (1987) : Conversational strategies: towards a phonological description of projection in Akyem-Twi
[15575] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (1989) : Conversational strategies: towards a phonological description of turn-taking in Akan
[15576] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (1993) : Vowel harmony in Bisa
[15577] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (1995) : Vowel harmony in Gwa Nmle
[15578] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (1997) : An analysis of the linguistic situation in Ghana
[15580] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (1999) : Requests in Akan discourse
[15581] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (1999) : “In future if I buy a dog, I’ll call it ‘Okyeman-is-beautiful’” - indirect response to potentially difficult communicative situations: the case of Akan dog names
[15582] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (1999) : Conversational strategies in Akan: prosodic features and dicourse categories
[15584] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (2000) : A grammar of Akan
[15585] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (2000) : Doing politics on walls and doors: a sociolinguistic analysis of graffiti in Legon (Ghana)
[15586] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (2000) : Vowel harmony and tone in Akan toponyms
[15587] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (2001) : African anthroponymy: an ethnopragmatic and morphophonological study of personal names in Akan and some African societies
[22630] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (2000) : From praise to criticism: a pragmalinguistic discussion of metaphors in African (Ghanaian) political rhetoric
[23432] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (1991) : Pitch, loudness, and turn regulation in Akan conversation
[26745] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (2008) : Efutu Grammar
[27054] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (2010) : Language maintenance and shift among Akan immigrant college students in the United States
[28802] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (2022) : Discursive strategies for managing bad news: Exemplification from Akan (Ghana)
[23783] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi & Cecilia Sem Obeng (Ed) (2006) : From linguistics to cultural anthropology: aspects of language, culture and family issues in Ghana (West Africa)
[27946] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi & Christopher R. Green (2017) : African Linguistics in the 21st Century - Essays in Honor of Paul Newman - Festschrift for Paul Newman’s 80th Birthday
[27947] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi & Christopher R. Green (2017) : Introduction
[15579] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi & Efurosibina [Emmanuel] Adegbija (1999) : Sub-Saharan Africa
[15583] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi & Efurosibina [Emmanuel] Adegbija (1999) : [Article on sub-Saharan language policies.]
[23796] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi & Emmanuel Koffi Yankey (2006) : Negation in Nzema
[29106] Obeng, Samuel Gyasi & Kwesi Brown (2022) : An English-Efutu Dictionary - with Phonetic Transcription and Aspects of Efutu Culture.