16 langues concernées
6 titres trouvés
[1203] Ayotte, Michael & Charlene Ayotte (2002) : Rapid appraisal and lexicostatistical analysis surveys of Atong, Ambele and Menka (Widikum-Menka Subdivision, Momo Division, North-West Province)
[1204] Ayotte, Michael & Charlene Ayotte (2002) : Rapid appraisal and lexicostatistical analysis survey of Manta
[1205] Ayotte, Michael & Charlene Ayotte (2002) : Rapid appraisal and lexicostatistical analysis surveys of Dama, Mono, Pam, Ndai and Oblo
[1206] Ayotte, Michael & Charlene Ayotte (2002) : Sociolinguistic language survey of Ngwe (Fontem, Alou and Wabane Subdivisions, Lebialem Division, South West Province)
[1202] Ayotte, Michael & Melinda Lamberty (2002) : Intelligibility testing of Bafia among Lefa speakers
[1207] Ayotte, Michael & Melinda Lamberty (2002) : Rapid appraisal sociolinguistic survey among NGEMBA cluster of languages: Mankon, Bambili, Nkwen, Pinyin and Awing