4 langues concernées

29 titres trouvés

[623]   Alsina, Alex & Sam A. Mchombo (1990) : The syntax of applicatives in Chichewa: problems for a theta theoretic asymmetry
[624]   Alsina, Alex & Sam A. Mchombo (1991) : Object extraction and accessability of thematic information
[625]   Alsina, Alex & Sam A. Mchombo (1993) : Object asymmetries in the Chichewa applicative construction
[626]   Alsina, Alex & Sam A. Mchombo (1994) : Bantu multiple objects: analyse and fallacies
[3245]   Bresnan, Joan & Sam A. Mchombo (1985) : Verb agreement in Chichewa
[3246]   Bresnan, Joan & Sam A. Mchombo (1986) : Grammatical and anaphoric agreement
[3247]   Bresnan, Joan & Sam A. Mchombo (1987) : Topic, pronoun and agreement in Chichewa
[3248]   Bresnan, Joan & Sam A. Mchombo (1987) : Topic, pronoun and agreement in Chichewa
[3249]   Bresnan, Joan & Sam A. Mchombo (1987) : Topic, pronoun and agreement in Chichewa
[3258]   Bresnan, Joan & Sam A. Mchombo (1995) : The lexical integrity principle: evidence from Bantu
[23418]   Bresnan, Joan & Sam A. Mchombo (1985) : On topic, pronoun and agreement in Chichewa
[4943]   Dalrymple, Mary , Sam A. Mchombo & Stanley Peters (1994) : Semantic similarities and syntactic contrasts between Chichewa and English reciprocals
[9486]   Hyman, Larry Michael & Sam A. Mchombo (1992) : Morphotactic constraints in the Chichewa verb stem
[7744]   Mchombo, Sam A. (1980) : Dative and passive in Chichewa: an argument for surface grammar
[13379]   Mchombo, Sam A. (1978) : A critical appraisal of the place of derivational morphology within transformational grammar, considered with primary refernce to Chichewa and Swahili
[13381]   Mchombo, Sam A. (1986) : A reanalysis of verb-object agreement as pronominal incorporation in Chichewa
[13382]   Mchombo, Sam A. (1991) : Reciprocalization in Chichewa: a lexical account
[13384]   Mchombo, Sam A. (1993) : A formal analysis of the stative construction in Bantu
[13385]   Mchombo, Sam A. (1993) : On the binding of the reflexive and the reciprocal in Chichewa
[13387]   Mchombo, Sam A. (1997) : Contributions of African languages to generative grammar
[13388]   Mchombo, Sam A. (1998) : Chichewa (Bantu)
[13389]   Mchombo, Sam A. (1999) : Argument structure and verbal morphology in Chichewa
[13390]   Mchombo, Sam A. (2001) : Chichewa verbal organization and the study of cognition
[13391]   Mchombo, Sam A. (2003) : Choppin’ up Chichewa: theoretical approaches to parsing an agglutinative language
[13392]   Mchombo, Sam A. (2004) : The syntax of Chichewa
[13383]   Mchombo, Sam A. (Ed) (1993) : Theoretical aspects of Bantu grammar
[13386]   Mchombo, Sam A. & Armindo Saul Atelela Ngunga (1994) : The syntax and semantics of reciprocal construction in Ciyao
[13380]   Mchombo, Sam A. & Francis B. Moto (1981) : Tone and the theory of syntax
[7748]   Mchombo, Sam A. & R. Ngalande (1980) : Reciprocal verbs in Chichewa: a case of lexical derivation