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11 titres trouvés
[8596] Hellwig, Birgit & Joseph A. McIntyre (2000) : Hausa plural systems:a diachronic presentation
[13399] McIntyre, Joseph A. (1980) : The language of Hausa greetings: the social construction of hierarchy
[13400] McIntyre, Joseph A. (1983) : Hierarchical contexts of Hausa imperative/subjunctive
[13401] McIntyre, Joseph A. (1983) : The length of yi in pre-IO position and the choice between cêe and cèe
[13402] McIntyre, Joseph A. (1988) : A NAG-ging question in Hausa: remarks on the syntax and semantics of the plural noun of agent
[13403] McIntyre, Joseph A. (1989) : Is Hausa zoo a grade 6 verb of motion?
[13404] McIntyre, Joseph A. (1990) : Is Hausa jee a grade 4 verb of motion?
[13406] McIntyre, Joseph A. (1993) : Das Hausa-Verb: Syntax und interne Rekonstruktion
[13407] McIntyre, Joseph A. (1995) : It’s still NAG-ging: compounds in Hausa
[13408] McIntyre, Joseph A. (1995) : Transitive verbs in Hausa: nominalisation strategies and time-stability
[13405] McIntyre, Joseph A. & Hilke Meyer-Bahlburg (1991) : Hausa in the media: a lexical guide. Hausa-English-German, English-Hausa, German-Hausa