3 langues concernées

9 titres trouvés

[8571]   Heine, Bernd , Tom Güldemann , Christa Kilian-Hatz , Donald Andreas Lessau , Heinz Roberg , Mathias Schladt & Thomas Stolz (1993) : Conceptual shift: a lexicon of grammaticalization processes in African languages
[10810]   Kilian-Hatz, Christa & Mathias Schladt (1997) : From body to soul: on the structure of body part idioms
[18062]   Schladt, Mathias (1997) : On describing conceptual structure: examples from Kxoe
[18063]   Schladt, Mathias (1997) : Kognitive Strukturen von Körperteilvokabularien in kenianischen Sprachen
[18065]   Schladt, Mathias (1998) : On describing conceptual structure: examples from Kxoe
[18066]   Schladt, Mathias (2000) : A preliminary list of Kxoe plant names
[18067]   Schladt, Mathias (2000) : A multi-purpose orthography for Kxoe: development and challenges
[25241]   Schladt, Mathias (1998) : Reciprocals in Bantu languages: a case of grammaticalization
[18064]   Schladt, Mathias (Ed) (1998) : Language, identity and conceptualization among the Khoisan