6 langues concernées
40 titres trouvés
[7866] Guthrie, Malcolm (1918-1972) : Unpublished field data, grammar and vocabulary notes for over 180 Bantu languages
[7868] Guthrie, Malcolm (1939) : Grammaire et dictionnaire de lingala: la langue universelle actuellement parlée sur la partie centrale du fleuve Congo, avec un manuel de conversation français-lingala
[7869] Guthrie, Malcolm (1940) : Tone ranges in a two-tone language (Lingala)
[7870] Guthrie, Malcolm (1943) : The lingua franca of Middle Congo
[7871] Guthrie, Malcolm (1945) : The tonal structure of Bemba
[7872] Guthrie, Malcolm (1948) : Gender, number and person in Bantu languages
[7873] Guthrie, Malcolm (1948) : Bantu word division: a new study of an old problem
[7874] Guthrie, Malcolm (1948) : The classification of the Bantu languages
[7875] Guthrie, Malcolm (1951) : Grammaire et dictionnaire de lingala
[7876] Guthrie, Malcolm (1953) : The Bantu languages of western equatorial Africa
[7877] Guthrie, Malcolm (1956) : Observations on nominal classes in Bantu languages
[7878] Guthrie, Malcolm (1956) : Some features of the Mfinu verbal system
[7880] Guthrie, Malcolm (1959) : Problèmes de génétique linguistique: la question du bantu commun
[7881] Guthrie, Malcolm (1959) : La classification des langues bantus: approche synchronique, méthodes et résultats
[7882] Guthrie, Malcolm (1960) : Teke radical structure and Common Bantu
[7883] Guthrie, Malcolm (1961) : Bantu sentence structure
[7884] Guthrie, Malcolm (1962) : Bantu origins: a tentative new hypothesis
[7885] Guthrie, Malcolm (1962) : A two-stage method of comparative Bantu study
[7886] Guthrie, Malcolm (1962) : Some developments in the prehistory of the Bantu languages
[7887] Guthrie, Malcolm (1962) : The status of radical extensions in Bantu languages
[7888] Guthrie, Malcolm (1963) : African languages
[7889] Guthrie, Malcolm (1964) : Some uses of arithmetical computation in comparative Bantu studies
[7890] Guthrie, Malcolm (1964) : Bantu languages in ‘Polyglotta Africana’
[7891] Guthrie, Malcolm (1965) : Comparative Bantu: a preview
[7892] Guthrie, Malcolm (1965) : Language classification and African studies
[7893] Guthrie, Malcolm (1967) : Variations in the range of classes in the Bantu languages
[7894] Guthrie, Malcolm (1967) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 1: the comparative linguistics of the Bantu languages
[7895] Guthrie, Malcolm (1967/71) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages
[7896] Guthrie, Malcolm (1968) : Notes on Nzebi (Gabon)
[7897] Guthrie, Malcolm (1969) : Features of verbal structure in S. W. Fang
[7898] Guthrie, Malcolm (1970) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 3: a catalogue of Common Bantu with commentary
[7899] Guthrie, Malcolm (1970) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 4: a catalogue of Common Bantu with commentary
[7900] Guthrie, Malcolm (1970) : Collected papers on Bantu linguistics
[7901] Guthrie, Malcolm (1970) : Contributions from comparative Bantu studies to the prehistory of Africa
[7902] Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : The western Bantu languages
[7903] Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 2: Bantu prehistory, inventory and indexes
[7905] Guthrie, Malcolm (1995) : A vocabulary of Icibemba
[7867] Guthrie, Malcolm (Ed) (1935) : Lingala grammar and dictionary
[7879] Guthrie, Malcolm & Archibald Norman Tucker (Ed) (1956) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland
[7904] Guthrie, Malcolm & John F. Carrington (1988) : Lingala: grammar and dictionary