15 langues concernées
46 titres trouvés
[24759] Amha, Azeb , Maarten Mous & Graziano Savà (2007) : Omotic and Cushitic Studies; Papers from the Fourth Cushitic Omotic Conference, Leiden, 10-12 April 2003
[27189] Barasa, Sandra Nekesa & Maarten Mous (2017) : Engsh, a Kenyan middle class youth language parallel to Sheng
[2726] Bogers, Koen , Harry van der Hulst & Maarten Mous (Ed) (1986) : The phonological representation of suprasegmentals: studies in African languages offered to John Stewart on his 60th birthday
[3757] Carlin, Eithne B. & Maarten Mous (1995) : The “back” in Iraqw: extensions of meaning in space
[27894] Catling, Amy & Maarten Mous (2019) : Using a discourse adverb to correct expectations an analysis of mak in Iraqw: an analysis of mak in Iraqw
[6126] Elders, Stefan & Maarten Mous (1991) : The adverbial qo in Iraqw
[24918] Faye, Souleymane & Maarten Mous (2006) : Verbal system and diathesis derivations in Seereer
[9203] Hulst, Harry van der & Maarten Mous (1992) : Transparent consonants
[9202] Hulst, Harry van der , Maarten Mous & Norval Smith (1986) : The autosegmental analysis of reduced vowel harmony systems: the case of Tunen
[10237] Kahigi, Kulikoyela K. , Yared Magori Kihore & Maarten Mous (Ed) (2000) : Lugha za Tanzania/Languages of Tanzania: studies dedicated to the memory of Prof. Clement Maganga
[10772] Kiessling, Roland & Maarten Mous (2003) : The lexical reconstruction of West-Rift southern Cushitic
[22605] Kiessling, Roland & Maarten Mous (2004) : Urban youth languages in Africa
[25499] Kiessling, Roland , Maarten Mous & Derek Nurse (2007) : The Tanzanian Rift Valley area
[11113] Kooij, Jan & Maarten Mous (2002) : Incorporation: a comparison between Iraqw and Dutch
[25419] Maarten Mous and Martha Qorro (2008) : The Evidential Adverb hhóo in Iraqw
[14273] Mous, Maarten (1986) : Vowel harmony in Tunen
[14274] Mous, Maarten (1993) : A grammar of Iraqw
[14275] Mous, Maarten (1994) : Ma’a or Mbugu
[14276] Mous, Maarten (1996) : Was there ever a southern Cushitic language (pre-) Ma’a?
[14278] Mous, Maarten (2000) : Ka baby kabbiyo: riddling in Iraqw
[14279] Mous, Maarten (2000) : Counter-universal rise of infinitive-auxiliary order in Mbugwe (Tanzania, Bantu F34)
[14280] Mous, Maarten (2001) : Ma’a as an ethno-register of Mbugu
[14281] Mous, Maarten (2001) : Basic Alagwa syntax
[14283] Mous, Maarten (2003) : Nen (A44)
[14284] Mous, Maarten (2003) : Loss of linguistic diversity in Africa
[14285] Mous, Maarten (2003) : The linguistic properties of lexical manipulation and its relevance for Ma’a
[14286] Mous, Maarten (2004) : The making of a mixed language: the case of Ma’a/Mbugu
[14287] Mous, Maarten (2004) : A grammatical sketch of Mbugwe, Bantu F34, Tanzania
[22690] Mous, Maarten (2004) : The grammar of conjunctive and disjunctive coordination in Iraqw
[22694] Mous, Maarten (1992) : Unpublished Alagwa grammatical sketch
[23250] Mous, Maarten (2005) : The innovative character of object-verb word order in Nen (Bantu A44, Cameroon)
[23815] Mous, Maarten (1997) : On ela alternation in Mbugu: the limits of allomorphy
[26579] Mous, Maarten (2013) : Reduplication in Cushitic
[27076] Mous, Maarten (2016) : Alagwa – a South Cushitic Language of Tanzania - Grammar, Texts and Lexicon
[27799] Mous, Maarten (2020) : Iraqw
[27820] Mous, Maarten (2020) : Mixed languages: The case of Ma’a/Mbugu
[28567] Mous, Maarten (2019) : Language contact
[28862] Mous, Maarten (2022) : Tone and the Verbal Systems of Nyokon
[14272] Mous, Maarten & Anneke Breedveld (1986) : A dialectometrical study of some Bantu languages (A.40-A.60) of Cameroon
[14277] Mous, Maarten & Martha P. Qorro (2000) : The middle voice in Iraqw
[26013] Mous, Maarten & Martha Qorro (2010) : The syntactic function of a scope marking suffix in Iraqw
[14282] Mous, Maarten , Martha P. Qorro & Roland Kiessling (2002) : Iraqw-English dictionary, with an English and a thesaurus index
[27350] Ongaye, Orkaydo Oda & Maarten Mous (2016) : Subject clitics in Konso
[27395] Orkaydo, Ongaye Oda & Maarten Mous (2017) : The semantics of pluractionals and punctuals in Konso (Cushitic, Ethiopia)
[22717] Rottland, Franz & Maarten Mous (2001) : Datooga and Iraqw: a comparison of subsistence vocabulary
[28423] Wane, Mohamadou Hamine & Maarten Mous (2020) : Noon Vowel Harmony