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7 titres trouvés

[11732]   Lass, Roger (1987) : How reliable is Goldswain? On the credibility of an early South African English source
[11733]   Lass, Roger (1990) : Where do extraterritorial Englishes come from? Dialect input and recodification in transported Englished
[11734]   Lass, Roger (1992) : The transcription of Afrikaans: towards an improved “standard” notation
[11735]   Lass, Roger (2002) : South African English
[11736]   Lass, Roger (2004) : South African English
[11730]   Lass, Roger & Susan Wright (1985) : The South African chain shift: order out of chaos?
[11731]   Lass, Roger & Susan Wright (1986) : Endogeny vs. contact: ‘Afrikaans influence’ on South African English