3 langues concernées
8 titres trouvés
[5970] Edgar, John T. (1979-1983) : Unpublished materials on Maba collected from Borgu high school students at Geneina
[5971] Edgar, John T. (1989) : A Masalit grammar, with notes on other languages of Darfur and Wadai
[5972] Edgar, John T. (1989) : Unpublished materials on Masalit collected from multiple informants
[5973] Edgar, John T. (1991) : Maba group lexicon
[5974] Edgar, John T. (1991) : Allomorphy of the second person singular prefix in Maba group verbs
[5976] Edgar, John T. (1991) : First steps toward Proto-Tama
[25267] Edgar, John T. (1990) : Tama group lexicon
[5975] Edgar, John T. & John E. Lavers (1991) : First steps toward Proto-Maba [with a historical note by John E. Lavers]