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11 titres trouvés

[18860]   Spencer, John [Walter] (1963) : Language and independence
[18861]   Spencer, John [Walter] (1966) : S. W. Koelle and the problem of notation for African languages, 1847.1855
[18863]   Spencer, John [Walter] (1971) : Colonial language policies and their legacies
[18864]   Spencer, John [Walter] (1971) : West Africa and the English language
[18865]   Spencer, John [Walter] (1985) : Language and development in Africa: the unequal equation
[18866]   Spencer, John [Walter] (1988) : Reflections on language and development in tropical Africa
[18867]   Spencer, John [Walter] (1990) : Linguistics in the service of Africa: a retrospective view
[18869]   Spencer, John [Walter] (1991) : Africa’s contribution to the lexicon of English
[18859]   Spencer, John [Walter] (Ed) (1963) : Language in Africa: papers of the Leverhulme conference on universities and the language problems of tropical Africa, held at University College, Ibadan
[18862]   Spencer, John [Walter] (Ed) (1971) : The English language in West Africa
[18868]   Spencer, John [Walter] & Josef Schmied (1990) : English and African languages: excerpts from a discussion