8 langues concernées
15 titres trouvés
[22608] Idiatov, Dmitry (2005) : The exceptional morphology of Tura numerals and restrictors: endoclitics, infixes and pseudowords
[23257] Idiatov, Dmitry (2003) : Verb structure in the Tura language (West Africa): the element |-laá|
[24216] Idiatov, Dmitry (2000) : Le sémantisme des marqueurs aspecto-temporels du bambara: une tentative d'analyse
[24312] Idiatov, Dmitry (2004) : Les participes adverbiaux de position en toura et la lexicalisation
[24313] Idiatov, Dmitry (2005) : La détermination des limites de mots: l'exemple de l'orthographe toura
[25192] Idiatov, Dmitry (2009) : A Bantu path towards lack of differentiation between 'who?' and 'what?'
[25193] Idiatov, Dmitry (2008) : Dictionnaire toura-français
[25194] Idiatov, Dmitry (2008) : Introduction au Dictionnaire toura-français
[26227] Idiatov, Dmitry (2012) : Clause‑final negative markers in southeastern Bamana dialects: a contact‑induced evolution
[28126] Idiatov, Dmitry (2020) : Perfective marking conditioned by transitivity status in Western Mande
[28903] Idiatov, Dmitry (2022) : Diachronic typology and the reconstruction of non-selective interrogative pronominals in Proto-Bantu
[27903] Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark L.O. Van de Velde (2020) : Nigeria as a linguistic terra incognita: The two languages of Lau
[27964] Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark Van de Velde (2018) : The tone system of Bena-Yungur
[28137] Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark van de Velde (2020) : The internal reconstruction of Bena-Yungur consonants and tone patterns
[27131] Van de Velde, Mark & Dmitry Idiatov (2017) : Morphological Classes and Gender in Ɓə́ná-Yungur