2 langues concernées
9 titres trouvés
[20417] Visser, Hessel (1994) : Naro dictionary: Naro-English, English-Naro
[20420] Visser, Hessel (1998) : The phonological system of Naro
[20422] Visser, Hessel (2000) : Khoesan orthography revisited: advantages and disadvantages of using Roman letters for click symbols
[20423] Visser, Hessel (2000) : Language and cultural empowerment of the Khoesan people: the Naro experience
[20424] Visser, Hessel (2001) : Naro dictionary: Naro-English, English-Naro
[25685] Visser, Hessel (2010) : Verbal compounds in Naro
[29042] Visser, Hessel (2023) : The manifold uses of –a in Naro, including comments on a.
[20416] Visser, Hessel & Coby Visser (1993) : Naro in a quarter of an hour
[20421] Visser, Hessel & Coby Visser (1998) : Analysis of Naro names