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7 titres trouvés

[8586]   Heinz, Hans Joachim (19--) : The ethno-biology of the !Kõ Bushmen: reptiles and amphibians
[8587]   Heinz, Hans Joachim (19--) : The ethno-biology of the !Kõ Bushmen: entomological knowledge
[8588]   Heinz, Hans Joachim (1971) : The ethno-biology of the !Kõ Bushmen: the anatomical and physiological knowledge
[8590]   Heinz, Hans Joachim (1977) : The ethno-biology of the !Ko Bushmen: knowledge on behaviour of cloven-hoofed animals (antelopes and warthog)
[8591]   Heinz, Hans Joachim (1979) : The ethno-biology of the !Ko Bushmen: knowledge concerning medium and smaller mammals
[8589]   Heinz, Hans Joachim & Brian Maguire (1974) : The ethno-biology of the !Kõ Bushmen: their ethno-botanical knowledge and plant lore
[8592]   Heinz, Hans Joachim & O. Martiny (1980) : The ethno-biology of the !Xõ Bushmen: the ornithological knowledge