5 langues concernées
7 titres trouvés
[27457] Gunnink, Hilde (2018) : A grammar of Fwe : A Bantu language of Zambia and Namibia
[27636] Gunnink, Hilde (2017) : Locative Clitics in Fwe
[27665] Gunnink, Hilde (2019) : The Fronted-Infinitive Construction in Fwe
[28756] Gunnink, Hilde (2022) : A grammar sketch of the Shetjhauba variety of Shekgalagadi
[29043] Gunnink, Hilde (2023) : Vowel harmony in Yeyi
[27379] Gunnink, Hilde , Bonny Sands , Brigitte Pakendorf & Koen Bostoen (2015) : Prehistoric language contact in the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier area: Khoisan influence on southwestern Bantu languages
[28271] Sands, Bonny & Hilde Gunnink (2019) : Clicks on the fringes of the Kalahari Basin Area