12 langues concernées
20 titres trouvés
[25994] Chiarcos, Christian , Ines Fiedler , Mira Grubic , Andreas Haida , Katharina Hartmann , Julia Ritz , Anne Schwarz , Amir Zeldes & Malte Zimmermann (2009) : Information Structure in African Languages: Corpora and Tools
[6598] Fiedler, Ines (1994) : Zur Bildung des progressivs im Aja
[6600] Fiedler, Ines (1998) : Fokus im Aja
[24925] Fiedler, Ines (2007) : Focus Expressions in Foodo
[25572] Fiedler, Ines (2012) : Predicate-centered focus in Gbe
[25615] Fiedler, Ines (2011) : Attributive possession and the alienability split in Gbe
[26564] Fiedler, Ines (2013) : Complex predicates in Ama
[27167] Fiedler, Ines (2016) : Conjoint and disjoint verb forms in Gur? Evidence from Yom
[27999] Fiedler, Ines (2017) : The structuring of information in natural discourse in Ama (Nyimang)
[28649] Fiedler, Ines (2012) : E1. Yom
[28650] Fiedler, Ines (2012) : E2. Nawdm
[28651] Fiedler, Ines (2012) : E3. Yom-Nawdm: Comparative notes
[23559] Fiedler, Ines & Anne Schwarz (2005) : Out-of-focus encoding in Gur and Kwa
[26694] Fiedler, Ines & Anne Schwarz (2009) : Focal aspects in the Lelemi verb system
[25173] Fiedler, Ines & Anne Schwarz (Eds) (2010) : The Expression of Information Structure :A Documentation of Its Diversity Across Africa
[26310] Fiedler, Ines & Stefanie Jannedy (2013) : Prosody of focus marking in Ewe
[6599] Fiedler, Ines , Catherine Griefenow-Mewis & Brigitte Reineke (Ed) (1998) : Afrikanische Sprachen im Brennpunkt der Forschung: linguistische Beiträge zum 12. Afrikanistentag, Berlin, 3.-6. Oktober 1996
[29109] Fiedler, Ines , Jan Junglas & Michael Schulze (eds.) (2022) : Gur Languages and Nominal Classification Diversity
[28901] Güldemann, Tom & Ines Fiedler (2022) : Predicate partition for predicate-centred focus and Meeussen’s Proto-Bantu “advance verb construction”
[29165] Güldemann, Tom & Ines Fiedler (2022) : Restructured Niger-Congo gender systems as another type of concurrent nominal classification