8 langues concernées
34 titres trouvés
[610] Almeida, António de & Ernst Oswald Johannes Westphal (19--) : Línguas não-bantas de Angola
[20993] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (19--) : Not all Bushmen are Bushmen
[20994] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1945) : The indicative mood and its classification in Southern Bantu
[20995] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1945) : Unpublished field notes on Nama and Naron
[20996] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1946) : The unification of Bantu languages
[20997] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1946) : A scientific analysis of the phonetics, morphology and syntax of the Venda language
[20998] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1950) : The stative conjugation in Zulu, Sotho and Venda
[20999] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1951) : The tone of verb stems in Xhosa
[21000] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1953-1971) : The E.O.J. Westphal papers
[21001] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1955) : The sentence in Venda
[21002] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1956) : The non-Bantu languages of southern Africa (supplement)
[21003] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1957) : On linguistic relationship
[21004] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1958) : Kwangari: an index of lexical types
[21005] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1958) : An introductory comparative study of negation in Bantu
[21006] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1961) : Olungkhumbi vocabulary: a pre-lexicographical study
[21007] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1962) : On classifying Bushman and Hottentot languages
[21008] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1962) : A re-classification of southern African non-Bantu languages
[21009] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1962) : Venda: tonal structure and intonation
[21010] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1963) : The linguistic prehistory of southern Africa: Bush, Kwadi, Hottentot and Bantu linguistic relationships
[21012] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1964) : An example of complex language contacts in Ngamiland B.P.
[21013] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1965) : Uma viagem de investigaçâo linguística no Kalahari ; parte 1
[21014] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1965) : Uma viagem de investigaçâo linguística no Kalahari ; parte 2
[21015] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1966) : Linguistic research in SWA and Angola
[21016] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1968) : Sentence analysis, word categories and identification in southern African languages
[21017] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1970) : Analysing, describing and teaching Bantu languages
[21018] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1971) : The click languages of southern and eastern Africa
[21019] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1971) : Vowel systems and x-ray photography: an assessment of the cardinal vowel chart
[21020] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1973) : African language model in the class-room
[21021] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1973) : Syllable and sound change in Southern Bantu languages
[21022] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1974) : Notes on A. Traill: “N4 or S7?”
[21024] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1980) : The age of ‘Bushman’ languages in southern Africa
[21025] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes (1983) : Classificatory characters of Khoe languages
[21023] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes , J. R. Masiea , S. M. Tindleni , H. M. Jimba , I. V. Mzileni & M. T. Matiela (1974) : The verbal extensions in southern Bantu languages: a descriptive and comparative classification
[21011] Westphal, Ernst Oswald Johannes , M. Notshweleka & S. M. Tindleni (1964) : Tonal profiles of Xhosa nominals