2 langues concernées
8 titres trouvés
[8000] Haddon, Ernest B. (1935) : Notes on Swahili grammar
[8001] Haddon, Ernest B. (1937) : The perfect tense in the eastern Bantu languages
[8002] Haddon, Ernest B. (1951) : The locative in Bantu (Baganda)
[8004] Haddon, Ernest B. (1955) : Swahili lessons
[8005] Haddon, Ernest B. (1955) : Note on the verbal -e stem in East African Bantu
[8006] Haddon, Ernest B. (1955) : The verbal -e stem in eastern Bantu
[8007] Haddon, Ernest B. (1956) : Some notes on the initial vowel pre-prefix
[8003] Haddon, Ernest B. & H. E. Lambert (1954) : Notes and queries - continued