3 langues concernées

6 titres trouvés

[9700]   Jacottet, Edouard (1926) : Grammar e nyenyane ea sesotho e etselitsoeng likolo tsa lesotho
[9702]   Jacottet, Edouard (1927) : Practical method to learn Sesuto with exercises and a short vocabulary
[9703]   Jacottet, Edouard (1928) : Practical method to learn Sesuto with exercises and a short vocabulary
[9704]   Jacottet, Edouard (1936) : Practical method to learn Sesuto with exercises and a short vocabulary
[28582]   Jacottet, Edouard (1896) : Etudes sur les langues du Haut-Zambèze - première partie : grammaires soubiya et louyi
[9701]   Jacottet, Edouard & Z. D. Mangoaela (1927) : A grammar of the Sesuto language