21 langues concernées

54 titres trouvés

[28444]   Essegbey, James , Thomas Givon , Larry Hyman , Thomas Hinnebusch , Robert Botne , Jedd Schrock , David Odden , Brent Henderson & Fiona McLaughlin (2021) : Reminiscences of the last 50 years and the way forward
[27616]   Marlo, Michael R. & David Odden (2014) : Bakweri Tone Melodies
[28560]   Marlo, Michael R. & David Odden (2019) : Tone
[26056]   Odden, David (2006) : Topics In Taita Tone II
[27535]   Odden, David (2018) : Logoori wordlist
[27618]   Odden, David (2014) : Melodic Tones in Karanga Shona
[27758]   Odden, David (2020) : Tone
[15604]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1980) : Associative tone in Shona
[15605]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1981) : Problems in tone assignment in Shona
[15606]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1981) : Historical evidence for abstract phonological analyses
[15607]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1981) : A nonlinear approach to vowel length in Kimatuumbi
[15608]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1981) : Evidence for the elsewhere condition in Shona
[15609]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1982) : Tonal phenomena in Kishambaa
[15610]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1982) : Separating tone and accent: the case of Kimatuumbi
[15611]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1983) : Aspects of Didinga phonology and morphology
[15612]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1984) : Formal correlates of focusing in KiMatuumbi
[15614]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1985) : An accentual approach to tone in Kimatuumbi
[15615]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1985) : Three dialects of Kipare
[15616]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1985) : Problems in the metrical representation of tone
[15618]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1987) : Predicting tone in Kikuria
[15619]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1987) : Kimatuumbi phrasal phonology
[15620]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1988) : Predictable tone systems in Bantu
[15621]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1988) : Floating tones and contour tones in Kenyang
[15622]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1990) : Tone in the Makonde dialects: Chimaraba
[15623]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1990) : Tone in the Makonde dialects: Chimahuta
[15624]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1990) : C-commands or edges in Makonde
[15625]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1990) : Syntax, lexical rules and postlexical rules in Kimatuumbi
[15626]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1990) : VVNC in Kimatuumbi and Kikongo
[15627]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1991) : The intersection of syntax, semantics and phonology in Kikongo
[15628]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1993) : Tone: African languages
[15629]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1994) : The origin of leftward tone shift in Masasi Chiyao
[15630]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1995) : Tone: African languages
[15631]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1995) : Phonology at the phrasal level in Bantu
[15632]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1995) : The status of onsetless syllables in Kikerewe
[15633]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1996) : Patterns of reduplication in Kikerewe
[15634]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1996) : The phonology and morphology of Kimatuumbi
[15635]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1997) : Domains and levels of representation in tone
[15636]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1998) : Verbal tone melodies in Kikerewe
[15637]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1998) : Principles of tone assignement in Tanzanian Yao
[15638]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1999) : A sketch of Mwera tonology
[15639]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1999) : Kikerewe minimality
[15642]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1999) : Typological issues in tone and stress in Bantu
[15643]   Odden, David [Arnold] (2000) : The phrasal tonology of Zinza
[15644]   Odden, David [Arnold] (2001) : Opacity and ordering: h-deletion in Kikerewe
[15645]   Odden, David [Arnold] (2001) : Tone shift and spread in Taita I
[15646]   Odden, David [Arnold] (2003) : Rufiji-Ruvuma (N10, P10-P20)
[22393]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1984) : Stem tone assignement in Shona
[23785]   Odden, David [Arnold] (2002) : The verbal tone system of Zina Kotoko
[15617]   Odden, David [Arnold] (Ed) (1987) : Current approaches to African linguistics IV
[15613]   Odden, David [Arnold] & Mary Odden (1985) : Ordered reduplication in Kihehe
[15641]   Odden, David [Arnold] & Mary Odden (1999) : Kihehe syllable structure
[15640]   Odden, David [Arnold] & R. Ruth Roberts-Kohno (1999) : Constraints on superlow tone in Kikamba
[27355]   Odden, David [Arnold], with the assistance of Deogratius Tungaraza (2008) : Kikerewe-English Dictionary
[27604]   Odden, David & Lee Bickmore (2014) : Melodic Tone in Bantu - Overview