10 langues concernées
24 titres trouvés
[4063] Childs, George Tucker (1982) : The evolution of noun class markers in southern West Atlantic languages
[4064] Childs, George Tucker (1983) : Noun class affix renewal in south West Atlantic
[4065] Childs, George Tucker (1985) : An autosegmental analysis of Kisi noun class morphophonemics
[4066] Childs, George Tucker (1988) : The phonology of Kisi ideophones
[4067] Childs, George Tucker (1988) : The phonology and morphology of Kisi
[4068] Childs, George Tucker (1989) : Where do ideophones come from?
[4069] Childs, George Tucker (1992/94) : Language typology and reconstruction: the pre-nasalized stops of Kisi
[4070] Childs, George Tucker (1994) : Expressiveness in contact situations: the fate of African ideophones
[4071] Childs, George Tucker (1994) : Notes on Flaaitaal: an ageing sociolect, erstwhile pidgin?
[4072] Childs, George Tucker (1994) : The status of Isicamtho, an Nguni-based urban variety of Soweto
[4073] Childs, George Tucker (1994) : African ideophones
[4074] Childs, George Tucker (1995) : Tone and accent in Atlantic
[4075] Childs, George Tucker (1995) : A grammar of Kissi, a southern Atlantic language
[4076] Childs, George Tucker (1996) : Where have all the ideophones gone? The death of a word category in Zulu
[4077] Childs, George Tucker (1997) : The status of Isicamtho, an Nguni-based urban variety of Soweto
[4078] Childs, George Tucker (2000) : A dictionary of the Kisi language, with an English-Kisi index
[4079] Childs, George Tucker (2004) : An introduction to African linguistics
[22421] Childs, George Tucker (2003) : The African substrate in an African pidgin: the case of Guinea French
[24063] Childs, George Tucker (1991) : Nasality in Kisi
[24105] Childs, George Tucker (2002) : Borrowings into Kisi as Evidence of Mande Expansionism and Influence
[24162] Childs, George Tucker (2003) : The Atlantic and Mande groups of Niger-Congo: A study in contrasts, a study in interaction
[26270] Childs, George Tucker (2012) : Kim Lexicon
[26271] Childs, George Tucker (2012) : Bom Lexicon
[26272] Childs, George Tucker (2012) : Mani Lexicon