5 langues concernées
8 titres trouvés
[25503] Akumbu, Pius Wuchu & Evelyn Fogwe Chibaka (2012) : A Pedagogic Grammar of Babanki – a Grassfields Language of Northwest Cameroon
[25939] Atindogbé, Gratien G. & Evelyn Fogwe Chibaka (2012) : Productive and Non-productive reduplication patterns in Bantu Zone A (Northwest) languages
[25329] Atindogbé, Gratien G.& Evelyn Fogwe Chibaka (2011) : Pronoun Serialisation in Kamtok: The Syntax-Semantic Interface
[25727] Chibaka, Evelyn Fogwe (2010) : The Invisible Perception Verbs Comparison in Mankon and Metaʔ Succession-Induction Traditional Rites
[26493] Chibaka, Evelyn Fogwe (2014) : Akum, Ala’atening and Mankon: Dialects or Languages? A Scientific Contribution to the Language-Dialect Problem.
[26934] Chibaka, Evelyn Fogwe (2006) : A Grammatical Description of Metta (Cameroon) in Relation to Focus Parametric Variation: Evident in Focalisation and wh-fronted Questions
[26935] Chibaka, Evelyn Fogwe (1998) : The noun class system of Metaʔ
[27151] Chibaka, Evelyn Fogwe (2017) : African Language and Culture Realization in the Policy, Planning and Developmental Tiers in Some African States: the African Union Perspective