9 langues concernées
21 titres trouvés
[27610] Kisseberth, Charles W. & Rozenn Guérois (2014) : Melodic H Tones in Emakhuwa and Ecuwabo Verbs
[10909] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (1976) : A morphophonemic rule in Chi-Mwi:ni: evidence from loan words
[10911] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (1980) : Aspects of tone assignment in Kimatumbi
[10913] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (1981) : Displaced tones in Digo ; part 2
[10914] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (1984) : Digo tonology
[10915] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (1990) : Morphological high tones in Sesotho and Setswana
[10917] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (1992) : Metrical structure in Zigula tonology
[10919] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (2003) : Makhuwa (P30)
[10918] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & David [Arnold] Odden (2003) : Tone
[10901] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Mohammad Imam Abasheikh (1974) : The perfect stem in Chi-Mwi:ni
[10902] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Mohammad Imam Abasheikh (1974) : Vowel length in Chi-Mwi:ni: a case study of the role of grammar in phonology
[10903] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Mohammad Imam Abasheikh (1974) : On the interaction of phonology and morphology: a Chi-Mwi:ni example
[10904] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Mohammad Imam Abasheikh (1974) : A case of systematic avoidance of homonyms
[10905] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Mohammad Imam Abasheikh (1975) : The perfect stem in Chi-mwi:ni and global rules
[10906] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Mohammad Imam Abasheikh (1976) : On the interaction of phonology and morphology: a ChiMwi:ni example
[10907] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Mohammad Imam Abasheikh (1976) : Chi-mwi:ini prefix morphophonemics
[10908] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Mohammad Imam Abasheikh (1976) : The ‘object’ relationship in Chi-Mwi:ni, a Bantu language
[10910] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Mohammad Imam Abasheikh (1977) : The “object” relationship in chi-Mwi:ini, a Bantu language
[10916] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Sheila Onkaetse Mmusi (1990) : The tonology of the object prefix in Setswana
[10912] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Winifred J. Wood (1980) : Displaced tones in Digo ; part 1
[28575] Patin, Cédric , Kassim Mohamed-Soyir & Charles Kisseberth (2019) : Ngazidja G44a