2 langues concernées

6 titres trouvés

[3333]   Brown, David (1988) : The basements of Babylon: English literacy, and the division of labour on the South African gold mines
[3334]   Brown, David (1989) : Speaking in tongues: apartheid and language in South Africa
[3335]   Brown, David (1989) : Language and literacy on the South African mines
[3339]   Brown, David (1992) : Language and social history in South Africa: a task still to be undertaken
[27577]   Lindsey, Delwin T. , Angela M. Brown , David H. Brainard & Coren L. Apicella (2015) : Hunter-gatherer color naming provides new insight into the evolution of color terms
[13344]   Mbunda, Fulgens & David Brown (1980) : Language teaching in primary schools