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27 titres trouvés
[8197] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1979) : Is there an African English?
[8198] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1982) : Language usage and preferences of a group of tertiary students
[8199] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1985) : An evaluation of assumptions underlying language in education in Namibia: language education in Africa
[8200] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1986) : Education in Namibia, 1920-1960: the relationship of the administration of South-West Africa with the mission churches
[8201] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1987) : Policy and implementation in bilingual education
[8202] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1987) : An evaluation of assumptions underlying language in education in Namibia
[8203] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1987) : A critique of language policy and practice in education in Namibia in the light of current research
[8204] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1987) : English in education in Namibia in relation to social perceptions
[8205] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1987) : Implementing language policy decisions in education: what do we know and what don’t we know?
[8206] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1988) : The implementation of English as medium of instruction in Namibia
[8207] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1989) : The national language question: English and multilingualism in independent Namibia
[8208] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1989) : Language policy in independent Namibia, with particular reference to Afrikaans
[8209] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1989) : Politics and policies: language planning in Namibia, with special reference to English
[8211] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1990) : English in Namibia
[8212] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1990) : Politics and policies: language planning in Namibia, with special reference to English
[8213] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1990) : Language and the constitution
[8214] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1990) : ‘You taught me language’: the implementation of English as medium of instruction in Namibia
[8215] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1991) : Socio-linguistic perspectives of cultural promotion and development in Namibia
[8217] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1992) : Centre and periphery: language and national unity in Namibia
[8218] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1993) : Conflict or resolution? Aspects of language politics in Namibia
[8219] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1995) : Language policy and language planning in Namibia
[8220] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1995) : The role of English in Namibia: a sociocultural and linguistic account
[8221] Harlech-Jones, Brian (1996) : Attitudes of teachers towards English and other Namibian languages: revisiting a survey
[8223] Harlech-Jones, Brian (2001) : Language, nationalism and modernisation: reflections from Namibia
[8224] Harlech-Jones, Brian (2001) : Some prevalent assumptions in language policy, with contextualisatiosn from Namibia
[8216] Harlech-Jones, Brian (Ed) (1992) : Language and national unity
[8222] Harlech-Jones, Brian , Ismael Mbise & Helen Vale (Ed) (2001) : Guardian of the word: literature, language and politics in SADC countries. Proceedings of the fifth general conference of the Association of University Teachers of Literature and Language (ATOLL), Windhoek, 16-20 August 1998