2 langues concernées

9 titres trouvés

[2433]   Bird, Charles Stephen (1968) : Aspects of Bambara syntax
[2434]   Bird, Charles Stephen (1968) : Relative clauses in Bambara
[2435]   Bird, Charles Stephen (1970) : The development of Mandekan (Manding): a study of the rôle of extra-linguistic factors in linguistic change
[2436]   Bird, Charles Stephen (1971) : Some observations on initial consonant change in southwestern Mande
[2437]   Bird, Charles Stephen (1971) : Some observations on the phonology of Mandekan: diachronic and synchronic regularity
[2438]   Bird, Charles Stephen & Mamadou Kanté (1976) : An ka bamanankan kalan/Intermediate Bambara
[2439]   Bird, Charles Stephen & Mamadou Kanté (1976) : Bambara-English, English-Bambara student lexicon
[2441]   Bird, Charles Stephen & others (1981) : The dialects of Mandenkan
[2440]   Bird, Charles Stephen , John Priestley Hutchison & Mamadou Kanté (1977) : An ka bamanankan kalan/Beginning Bambara