9 langues concernées
58 titres trouvés
[27516] Batibo, Herman (2015) : The classical laws and rules in Bantu languages: How plausible are they?
[1770] Batibo, Herman M. (1976) : A new approach to Sukuma tone
[1771] Batibo, Herman M. (1977) : Le kesukuma, langue bantou de Tanzanie: phonologie et morphologie
[1772] Batibo, Herman M. (1977) : La fonction expressive des phonèmes en kesukuma
[1773] Batibo, Herman M. (1981) : Some hypotheses on the origin of tonal displacement in Kisukuma: a study based on comparative Bantu tonology
[1774] Batibo, Herman M. (1983) : Phonetics and the traditional Sukuma orthography
[1775] Batibo, Herman M. (1985) : Le kesukuma (langue bantou de Tanzanie): phonologie, morphologie
[1776] Batibo, Herman M. (1985) : Some linguistic contributions to the cultural history of the people of the Great Lakes
[1777] Batibo, Herman M. (1986) : Autosegmental phonology and the Bantu tone systems
[1778] Batibo, Herman M. (1987) : The challenge of linguistics in language development: the case of Kiswahili in Tanzania
[1779] Batibo, Herman M. (1987) : Le statut morphosyntaxique du referent sujet en langues bantu
[1780] Batibo, Herman M. (1988) : Root affixation rules in Zairean Swahili as evidence of earlier Bantu rules
[1781] Batibo, Herman M. (1989) : The position of Kiswahili among the lingua francas of Africa
[1782] Batibo, Herman M. (1989) : Les parlers ruraux de Zanzibar: “dialectes” swahili? Premiers résultats d’une enquête lexicostatistique
[1783] Batibo, Herman M. (1989) : Evolution et dialectalisation du swahili standard
[1784] Batibo, Herman M. (1989) : Algumas considerações fundamentais sobre a concepção da ortografia de línguas bantu
[1785] Batibo, Herman M. (1990) : Vowel length: the forgotten distinctive feature in Swahili?
[1786] Batibo, Herman M. (1990) : English language teaching and learning in Tanzanian primary schools
[1787] Batibo, Herman M. (1991) : The tone structure of the Sukuma nominal forms
[1788] Batibo, Herman M. (1991) : The two-directional tone melody spread in Sukuma
[1789] Batibo, Herman M. (1992) : Term development in Tanzania
[1791] Batibo, Herman M. (1992) : The fate of ethnic languages in Tanzania
[1792] Batibo, Herman M. (1992) : Morphological and semantic regularity in lexical expansion process: the case of nominal derivation in Kiswahili
[1793] Batibo, Herman M. (1992) : The peopling of Busukuma: a linguistic account
[1794] Batibo, Herman M. (1994) : Does Kiswahili have diphtongs: interpreting foreign sounds in African languages
[1796] Batibo, Herman M. (1995) : The growth of Kiswahili as language of education and administration in Tanzania
[1797] Batibo, Herman M. (1996) : Loanword clusters nativization rules in Tswana and Swahili: a comparative study
[1798] Batibo, Herman M. (1996) : The role of language in the discovery of cultural history: reconstructing Setswana speakers’ cultural past
[1799] Batibo, Herman M. (1997) : The fate of the minority languages of Botswana
[1801] Batibo, Herman M. (1997) : The Khoesan languages of Botswana
[1802] Batibo, Herman M. (1997) : Double allegiance between nationalism and western modernization in language choice: the case of Botswana and Tanzania
[1804] Batibo, Herman M. (1998) : Botswana
[1805] Batibo, Herman M. (1998) : The fate of the Khoesan languages of Botswana
[1806] Batibo, Herman M. (1998) : A lexicostatistical survey of the Bantu language of Botswana
[1807] Batibo, Herman M. (1998) : The Proto-Bantu cultural vocabulary in southern Bantu: the case of Setswana
[1809] Batibo, Herman M. (1999) : A lexicostatistical survey of the Setswana dialects spoken in Botswana
[1810] Batibo, Herman M. (1999) : Report on the International Basarwa Languages Workshop held at the University of Botswana, 14th to 16th January 1999
[1811] Batibo, Herman M. (1999) : The grammaticalization process in Setswana
[1812] Batibo, Herman M. (2000) : The state of spirantization in Sukuma-Nyamwezi: a historical account
[1815] Batibo, Herman M. (2000) : The linguistic situation of Tanzania
[1817] Batibo, Herman M. (2001) : The empowerment of minority languages for education and development
[1819] Batibo, Herman M. (2002) : The evolution of the Kiswahili syllable structure
[1820] Batibo, Herman M. (2004) : Setswana: an under-exploited national resource?
[1821] Batibo, Herman M. (2004) : The role of the external setting in language shift process: the case of Nama-speaking Ovaherero in Tshabong
[1822] Batibo, Herman M. (2005) : Language decline and death in Africa: causes, consequences, and challenges
[24754] Batibo, Herman M. (2009) : Language Documentation as a Strategy for the Empowerment of the Minority Languages of Africa
[25157] Batibo, Herman M. (2009) : Language endangerment and death in Africa: What roles have the colonial languages played?
[25553] Batibo, Herman M. (2012) : Can tone shift be regarded as tone depression in Shisukuma?
[25689] Batibo, Herman M. (2010) : Taking the best of both worlds – Integration and identity among the Khoesan speakers of Botswana
[1816] Batibo, Herman M. & Birgit Smieja (Ed) (2000) : Botswana: the future of the minority languages
[1808] Batibo, Herman M. & D. Mae (1999) : The tone pattern of Setswana nominal forms
[1790] Batibo, Herman M. & Franz Rottland (1992) : The minimality condition in Swahili word forms
[1795] Batibo, Herman M. & Franz Rottland (1994) : The markedness principle and Swahili syllable structure
[1818] Batibo, Herman M. & Franz Rottland (2001) : The adoption of Datooga loanwords in Sukuma and its historical implications
[1814] Batibo, Herman M. & Joseph Tsonope (2000) : Language vitality among the Nama of Tshabong
[1813] Batibo, Herman M. & Joseph Tsonope (Ed) (2000) : The state of Khoesan languages in Botswana
[1800] Batibo, Herman M. , Joyce Thambole Mathangwane & Naledi M. Mosaka (1997) : Prospects for sociolinguistic research undertaking in Botswana: priorities and strategies
[1803] Batibo, Herman M. , Naledi M. Mosaka & James [Motlhagolela] Moilwa (1997) : The historical implications of the linguistic relationship between Makua and Sotho