Une seule langue concernée

8 titres trouvés

[1150]   Awoniyi, Timothy Adedeji (1973) : The role and status of Yoruba language in the formal school system of western Nigeria
[1151]   Awoniyi, Timothy Adedeji (1975) : The Yoruba language and the formal school system: a study of colonial language policy in Nigeria 1882-1952
[1152]   Awoniyi, Timothy Adedeji (1976) : Mother tongue education in West Africa: a historical background
[1153]   Awoniyi, Timothy Adedeji (1978) : Yoruba language in education
[1154]   Awoniyi, Timothy Adedeji (1981) : Yoruba teaching in Nigerian schools, 1960-1980
[1155]   Awoniyi, Timothy Adedeji (1982) : The teaching of African languages [Foundations of education in Africa]
[1156]   Awoniyi, Timothy Adedeji (1995) : Determining language in education policy: the dilemma in Africa
[23657]   Awoniyi, Timothy Adedeji (1976) : The place of Yoruba in the formal school system of Nigeria: a historical survey, 1800-1882