23 langues concernées

73 titres trouvés

[1076]   Ashton, Ethel O. , Enoch M. K. Mulira , E. G. M. Ndawula & Archibald Norman Tucker (1954) : A Luganda grammar
[3381]   Bryan, Margaret Arminel & Archibald Norman Tucker (1948) : The distribution of the Nilotic and Nilo-Hamitic languages of Africa
[7879]   Guthrie, Malcolm & Archibald Norman Tucker (Ed) (1956) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland
[13482]   Meeussen, Achille Emiel & Archibald Norman Tucker (1955) : Les phonèmes du ganda et du bantou commun
[20006]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (19--) : Unpublished notes on Murle
[20007]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (19--) : Memorandum on Nandi-Kipsigis orthography
[20008]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (19--) : Memorandum on Luo orthography
[20009]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1929) : Suggestions for the spelling of Transvaal Sesuto
[20010]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1929) : The comparative phonetics of the Suto-Chuana group of Bantu languages
[20011]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1932) : Some little known dialects of Sepedi
[20012]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1934) : The linguistic situation in southern Sudan
[20013]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1935) : Survey of the Language Groups in the Southern Sudan
[20014]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1936) : African languages and the telegraph problem
[20015]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1936) : The function of voice quality in the Nilotic languages
[20016]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1938) : The meaning and value of comparative Bantu philology
[20017]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1939) : Dinka orthography
[20018]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1940) : The eastern Sudanic languages
[20020]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1945) : Memorandum on Dinka orthography
[20021]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1946) : Foreign sounds in Swahili ; part 1
[20022]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1946/47) : De unificatie der zuidnilotische talen
[20023]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1947) : Foreign sounds in Swahili ; part 2
[20024]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1947) : My recent linguistic tour of East Africa
[20025]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1948) : The spelling of African place names on maps
[20026]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1949) : Sotho-Nguni orthography and tone-marking
[20027]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1951/52) : Notes on Murle (‘Beir’)
[20028]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1952) : Taaleenmaking in Oost-Afrika
[20030]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1955) : The verb in Shilluk
[20032]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1956) : Conflicting principles in the spelling of African place names
[20034]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1957) : Philology and Africa
[20036]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1957) : Neue Wege zur Gliederung der afrikanischen Nichtbantusprachen
[20037]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1958) : Some problems of junction in Lango
[20039]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1960) : Problèmes de typologie dans la classification des langues non-bantu de l’Afrique du Nord-Est
[20040]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1960) : Notes on Konzo
[20041]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1961) : Towards place names gazetteers in Africa: some problems of standardization
[20042]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1962) : The syllable in Luganda: a prosodic approach
[20044]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1964) : Systems of tone-marking African languages
[20046]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1964) : Kalenjin phonetics
[20049]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1967) : Fringe Cushitic: an experiment in typological comparison
[20050]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1967) : Erythraic elements and patternings: some East African findings
[20051]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1967) : Babel en Afrique
[20052]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1969) : Sanye und Boni
[20054]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1970) : Erythraic relics in East Africa
[20055]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1971) : Orthographic systems and conventions in sub-Saharan Africa
[20056]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1971) : Notes on Ik ; part 1
[20057]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1972) : Notes on Ik ; part 2
[20058]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1973) : Notes on Ik ; part 3
[20061]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1975) : Voice quality in African languages
[20062]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1975) : Problems of typology in the classification of the non-Bantu languages of north-eastern Africa
[20064]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1981) : Langues du Soudan oriental du sud: introduction générale
[20065]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1981) : Les langues nilotiques: unités étendue
[20066]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1981) : Le dinka (agar)
[20067]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1981) : Les langues para-nilotiques: unité étendue
[20068]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1981) : Le pokot
[20070]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1981) : The conceptions downdrift, upsweep, downstep, upstep, uphitch in African languages
[20071]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1983) : Noun class affixes renewal in southern West Atlantic
[20072]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1984) : Maltese and Nubi: two ‘Fringe Semitic’ languages
[20073]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1994) : A grammar of Kenya Luo (Dholuo)
[26478]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1970-71) : Problems of Toponymy in Post-Independence Africa
[20060]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Chet A. Creider (1975) : Downdrift and downstep in Luo
[20069]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & David A. Turton (1981) : Le groupe didinga, murle ou surma: groupe isolé
[20019]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Ethel O. Ashton (1942) : Swahili phonetics
[20029]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & John Tompo Ole Mpaayei (1955) : A Maasai grammar with vocabulary
[20031]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1956) : The non-Bantu languages of north-eastern Africa
[20033]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1956) : Far eastern section: Great Lakes to Indian Ocean
[20035]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1957) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland, 4: languages of the eastern section, Great Lakes to Indian Ocean
[20043]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1962) : Noun classification in Kalenjin: Päkot
[20045]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1964) : Noun classification in Kalenjin: Nandi-Kipsigis ; part 1
[20047]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1965) : Noun classification in Kalenjin: Nandi-Kipsigis ; part 2
[20048]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1966) : Linguistic analyses: the non-Bantu languages of north-eastern Africa
[20053]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1970) : Tonal classification of nouns in Ngazija
[20059]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1974) : The ‘Mbugu’ anomaly
[20038]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Peter E. Hackett (1959) : Le groupe linguistique zandé
[20063]   Tucker, Archibald Norman , Margaret Arminel Bryan & James C. Woodburn (1977) : The East African click languages: a phonetic comparison