5 langues concernées
7 titres trouvés
[497] Alemayehu Haile (1981) : Omotic and Kushitic verbal markers: a possible isogloss
[498] Alemayehu Haile (1993) : Ometo dialect survey: a pilot survey report
[499] Alemayehu Haile (1993) : Ometo dialect survey: second phase survey report
[500] Alemayehu Haile (1993) : A sketch of the Mesketo grammar
[501] Alemayehu Haile (1993) : [Survey of the Ometo area]
[502] Alemayehu Haile (1993) : [On Amharic and Oromo]
[504] Alemayehu Haile (1994) : Some aspects of the phonology of Basketo