48 langues concernées

90167Afro-Asiatique > Sémitique
Noms ; Proto-Semitic ; Semitic ; Semitisch ; proto-Semitic ; semitic ; semitiche ; semitico ; semitisch ; semitskije ; sémitique

129 titres trouvés

[285]   Affuso, E. (1977) : I pronomi di I e II persona in semitico, egiziano e berbero
[2029]   Belova, Anna Grigorievna (1988) : The position of Himyaritic within the South Semitic group of Semitic languages (Yemenite-Ethiopian isoglosses)
[2209]   Bergsträsser, Gotthelf (1928) : Einführung in die semitischen Sprachen
[2210]   Bergsträsser, Gotthelf (1983) : Introduction to the Semitic languages
[2730]   Bohas, Georges (Ed) (1993) : Développements récents en linguistique arabe et sémitique
[2870]   Borer, Hagit & Y. Aoun (Ed) (1981) : Theoretical issues in the grammar of Semitic languages
[3214]   Bravmann, M. M. (1977) : Studies in Semitic philology
[3362]   Brunner, Linus (1969) : Die gemeinsamen Wurzeln des semitischen und indo-germanischen Wortschatzes: Versuch einer Etymologie
[3380]   Bryan, Margaret Arminel (1947) : The distribution of the Semitic and Kushitic languages of Africa: an outline of available information
[3618]   Calice, F. (1936) : Grundlagen der ägyptisch-semitischen Wortvergleichung
[3740]   Caquot, André & David Cohen (Ed) (1974) : Actes du 1e congrès internationale de la linguistique sémitique et chamito-sémitique, Paris, 16-19 juillet, 1969
[3894]   Castellino, Giorgio (1978) : The case system of Cushitic in relation to Semitic
[4315]   Cohen, Marcel (1924) : Le système verbale sémitique et l’expression du temps
[4331]   Cohen, Marcel (1953) : Sémitique, égyptien, libyco-berbère, couchitique et méthode comparative
[4337]   Cohen, Marcel (1970/76) : Dictionnaire des racines sémitiques ou attestées dans les langues sémitiques
[4340]   Cohen, David (1973/79) : Qu’est-ce qu’une langue sémitique?
[4344]   Cohen, David (1984) : La phrase nominale et l’évolution du système verbal en sémitique
[4567]   Corré, A. D. (1975) : A suprasegmental feature of length in Semitic
[4998]   Daniels, Peter T. (1997) : Scripts of Semitic languages
[5285]   Diakonoff, Igor Mikhailovich (1975) : On root structure in proto-Semitic
[5373]   Diem, Werner (1986) : Alienable und inalienable Possession im Semitischen
[5374]   Diem, Werner (1987) : Alienable und inalienable Relation in Semitischen
[5605]   Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1978) : On phonemic stress in proto-Semitic
[5606]   Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1983) : Semitic and East Cushitic: sound correspondences and cognate sets
[5608]   Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1987) : South Cushitic lateral consonants as compared to Semitic and East Cushitic
[5710]   Drexel, Albert (1924) : Der semitische Triliteralismus und die afrikanische Sprachforshung ; Teile 1
[5714]   Drexel, Albert (1925) : Der semitische Triliteralismus und die afrikanische Sprachforshung ; Teile 2
[6067]   Eilers, W. (1987) : Die zweiradikalige Basis der semitischen Wurzel
[6407]   Faber, Alice (1980) : Genetic subgroupings of the Semitic languages
[6408]   Faber, Alice (1985) : Akkadian evidence for proto-Semitic affricates
[6409]   Faber, Alice (1989) : On the nature of proto-Semitic *l
[6410]   Faber, Alice (1991) : The diachronic relationship between negative and interrogative markers in Semitic
[6411]   Faber, Alice (1997) : Genetic subgrouping of the Semitic languages
[6670]   Fleisch, Henri (1944) : Les verbes à allongement vocalique interne en sémitique
[6829]   Fox, Joshua (1997) : Handbook of Semitic languages
[6929]   Fronzaroli, Pelio (1964) : Studi sul lessico comune semitico ; partes 1-2
[6930]   Fronzaroli, Pelio (1965) : Studi sul lessico comune semitico ; partes 3-4
[6931]   Fronzaroli, Pelio (1968) : Studi sul lessico comune semitico ; parte 5
[6932]   Fronzaroli, Pelio (1969) : Studi sul lessico comune semitico ; parte 6
[6933]   Fronzaroli, Pelio (1971) : Studi sul lessico comune semitico ; parte 7
[6934]   Fronzaroli, Pelio (Ed) (1973) : Studies in Semitic lexicography
[7051]   Garbini, Giovanni (1960) : Il semitico do nord-ovest
[7052]   Garbini, Giovanni (1972) : Le lingue semitiche: studi di storia linguistica
[7054]   Garbini, Giovanni (1984) : Le lingue semitiche: studi di storia linguistica
[7057]   Gardiner, Alan Henderson (1923) : Der ägyptische Ursprung des semitischen Alphabets [von dem englischen übersetzt]
[7342]   Goetze, Albrecht (1942) : The so-called intensive of the Semitic languages
[7352]   Goldenberg, Gideon (1977) : The Semitic languages of Ethiopia and their classification
[7357]   Goldenberg, Gideon & Shlomo Raz (Ed) (1994) : Semitic and Cushitic studies
[7358]   Goldenberg, Gideon (1998) : Studies in Semitic linguistics: selected writings
[7562]   Gray, Louis H. (1971) : Introduction to Semitic comparative linguistics: a basical grammar of the Semitic languages
[7597]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1950) : The patterning of root morphemes in Semitic
[7789]   Grundfest, Y. D. (1974) : The problem of classifying southern Semitic languages
[8701]   Hetzron, Robert (1969) : Third person singular pronoun suffixes in proto-Semitic
[8702]   Hetzron, Robert (1969) : The evidence for perfect *y’aqtul and jussive *yaqt’ul in proto-Semitic
[8712]   Hetzron, Robert (1974) : La division des langues sémitiques
[8721]   Hetzron, Robert (1977) : Innovations in the Semitic numeral system
[8731]   Hetzron, Robert (Ed) (1997) : The Semitic languages
[8883]   Hoch, James E. (1994) : Semitic words in Egyptian texts of the New Kingdom and third intermediate period
[8911]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1975) : The nominal sentence in Semitic
[8915]   Hodge, Carleton Taylor (1976) : An Egypto-Semitic comparison
[8976]   Hohenberger, Johannes (1958) : Semitisches und hamitisches Sprachgut im Masai, mit vergleichenden Wörterbuch: eine sprachvergleichende Untersuchung unter Berücksichtigung von rund 50 semitischen, hamitischen, nilo-hamitischen und anderen afrikanischen Sprachen
[9178]   Hudson, Grover (1991) : A and B-type verbs in Ethiopian and proto-Semitic
[9186]   Huehnergard, John (1990) : Remarks on the classification of the northwest Semitic languages
[9802]   Janssens, G. (1975) : The Semitic verbal tense system
[10573]   Kaye, Alan S. (Ed) (1991) : Semitic studies in honour of Wolf Leslau, on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday November 14th, 1991
[11452]   Kurylowicz, Jerzy (1972) : Studies in Semitic grammar and metrics
[11592]   Lambert, Mayer (1921) : Le groupement des langues sémitiques
[11729]   LaSor, W. S. (1990) : Proto-Semitic: is the concept no longer valid?
[11992]   Leslau, Wolf (1945) : The influence of Cushitic on the Semitic languages of Ethiopia: a problem of substratum
[11994]   Leslau, Wolf (1946) : Bibliography of the Semitic languages of Ethiopia
[12019]   Leslau, Wolf (1957) : Observations on a comparative phonology of Semitic languages
[12045]   Leslau, Wolf (1965) : An annotated bibliography of the Semitic languages of Ethiopia
[12064]   Leslau, Wolf (1975) : What is a Semitic Ethiopian language?
[12077]   Leslau, Wolf (1987) : Comparative dictionary of Ge‘ez (Classical Ethiopic): Ge‘ez-English/English-Ge‘ez, with an index of the Semitic roots
[12078]   Leslau, Wolf (1988) : Fifty years of research: selection of articles on Semitic, Ethiopian Semitic and Cushitic
[12119]   Levin, Saul (1971) : The Indo-European and Semitic languages: an exploration of structural similarities related to accent, chiefly in Greek, Sanskrit and Hebrew
[12310]   Loprieno, Antonio (1986) : Das Verbalsystem im Ägyptischen und im semitischen: zur Grundlegung einer Aspekttheorie
[12417]   Lowenstamm, Jean (1993) : Voyelles centrales, noyaux vides et statut de la longueur vocalique dans deux branches du sémitique
[13359]   McCarthy, John J. (1979) : Formal problems in Semitic phonology and morphology
[13360]   McCarthy, John J. (1982) : Formal problems in Semitic phonology and morphology
[13549]   Meinhof, Carl [Friedrich] [Michael] (1921/22) : Was können uns die hamitischen Sprachen für den Bau des semitischen Verbums lehren?
[13599]   Melʼnikov, Guennady [Prokofievich] (1968) : [Systemic analysis of the origins of the peculiarity of the Semitic consonantism]
[13644]   Meriggi, Piero (1927) : Il problema della parentela dell’Indoeuropeo col Semitico
[14094]   Moreno, Martino Mario (1948) : L’azione del cuscitico sul sistema morfologico delle lingue semitiche dell’Etiopia
[14095]   Moreno, Martino Mario (1949) : L’action du couchitique sur le système morphologique des langues sémitiques de l’Éthiopie
[14170]   Moscati, Sabatino , Anton Spitaler , Edward Ullendorff & W. van Soden (1964) : Introduction to the comparative grammar of the Semitic languages
[14171]   Moscati, Sabatino , Anton Spitaler , Edward Ullendorff & W. van Soden (1969) : Introduction to the comparative grammar of the Semitic languages
[14172]   Moscati, Sabatino (1980) : Introduction to the comparative grammar of the Semitic languages
[14608]   Murtonen, A. (1967) : Early Semitic: a diachronic inquiry into the relationship of Ethiopic to the other so-called South-East Semitic languages
[14609]   Murtonen, A. (1969) : Early Semitic, II: lexico- and phonostatistical survey of the structure of the Semitic stock of languages, with special reference to South Semitic
[15975]   Orel, Vladimir E. & Olga Valerievna Stolbova (19--) : Chadic-Semitic and Chadic Egyptian common roots
[16988]   Rabin, Chaim (1963) : The origin of subdivision of Semitic
[16989]   Rabin, Chaim (1975) : Lexicostatistics and the internal divisions of Semitic
[17088]   Ratcliffe, Robert R. (1992) : The ‘broken’ plural problem in Arabic, Semitic and Afroasiatic: a solution based on the diachronic application of prosodic analysis
[17089]   Ratcliffe, Robert R. (1999) : The “broken” plural problem in Arabic and comparative Semitic: allomorphy and analogy in non-concatenative morphology
[17193]   Retsö, Jan (1989) : Diathesis in the Semitic languages: a comparative morphological study
[17611]   Rundgren, Gustav Frithiof (1963) : Erneuerung des Verbalaspekts im Semitischen
[17885]   Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1980) : Ostkuschitische und semitische Verbalklassen
[17886]   Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1981) : Die semitischen Sprachen
[17893]   Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1984) : Case in Cushitic, Semitic and Berber
[17896]   Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (2003) : Cushitic adpositions and Semitic
[18153]   Schröder, E. E. W. G. (1929) : Über die semitischen und nicht-indischen Grundlagen der malaisch-polynesischen Kultur, II: das Verhältnis der austronesischen zu den semitischen Sprachen
[18229]   Schumacher, W. N. (1975) : Khoisan traces in Iranian (or Semitic traces in Khoisan)?
[18386]   Ségéral, Philippe (2000) : Théorie de l’apophonie et organisation des schèmes en sémitique
[18460]   Shimron, Joseph (2003) : Semitic languages: are they really root-based?
[18778]   Soden, W. van (1973) : Ein semitisches Wurzelwörterbuch: Probleme und Möglichkeiten
[18856]   Speiser, E. A. (1936) : Studies in Semitic formatives
[18988]   Steiner, R. C. (1977) : The case for fricative-laterals in proto-Semitic
[19100]   Stolbova, Olga Valerievna (1995) : Lateral sybilants in Chadic (reconstruction) and their correspondences in Semitic and Egyptian
[20144]   Ullendorff, Edward (1955) : The Semitic languages of Ethiopia: a comparative phonology
[20145]   Ullendorff, Edward (1955) : The Semitic languages of Ethiopia and their contribution to general Semitic studies
[20146]   Ullendorff, Edward (1958) : What is a Semitic language?
[20150]   Ullendorff, Edward (1970) : Comparative Semitics
[20351]   Vida, G. Levi della (Ed) (1961) : Linguistica semitica: presente e futuro
[20458]   Voigt, Rainer Maria (1987) : The classification of central Semitic
[21388]   Woldu Kiros Fre (1988) : Phonetics and historical relationships in Semitic: a study of ejective and emphatic consonants
[21746]   Zavadovskij, Jurij Nikolaevic (1965) : Zindzskij substrat v severnoj Afrike: semitskije jazyki
[22983]   Unseth, Peter (2003) : Surveying bi-consonantal reduplication in Semitic
[23284]   Rundgren, Gustav Frithiof (1955/56) : Über Bildungen mit s- und n-t-Demonstrativen im Semitischen: Beiträge zur vergleichenden Grammatik der semitischen Sprachen
[23286]   Brockelmann, Carl (1928) : Kurzgefasste vergleichende Grammatik der semitischen Sprachen: Elemente der Laut- und Formenlehre
[23804]   Bohas, Georges (2006) : The organization of the lexicon in Arabic and other Semitic languages
[25344]   Militarev, Alexander (2011) : A complete etymology-based hundred wordlist of Semitic updated: items 35-44
[25347]   Militarev, Alexander (2010) : A Complete Etymology-Based Hundred Wordlist of Semitic Updated: Items 1-34
[25400]   Takács, Gábor (Ed) (2008) : Semito-Hamitic festschrift for A.B. Dolgopolsky and H. Jungraithmayr
[25415]   Kogan, Leonid E. (2008) : On a-Ablaut in the Nominal and Verbal Paradigms in Semitic
[25417]   Măcelaru, Adrian (2008) : Compensatory Metathesis as a Source of Non concatenative Morphology: Some Semitic Evidence
[25418]   Militarev, Alexander (2008) : Toward a Complete Etymology-based Hundred Wordlist of Semitic: Second Third (Items 34-66)
[25816]   Porkhomovsky, Victor (2009) : Hamito-Semitic Aspect System: The Case of Semitic and Berber
[26535]   Edzard, Lutz (2014) : The Finite / Infinite Dichotomy in a Comparative Semitic Perspective