3 langues concernées

90146Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo > Plateau

7 titres trouvés

[7191]   Gerhardt, Ludwig & Heinz Jockers (1981) : Lexikostatistische Klassifikation von Plateausprachen
[7195]   Gerhardt, Ludwig (1983) : The classification of Eggon: Plateau or Benue group?
[7203]   Gerhardt, Ludwig (1987) : Some remarks on the numeral systems of Plateau languages
[26028]   Hellwig, Birgit (2012) : Lexicalization of property concepts: Evidence for language contact on the southern Jos Plateau (Central Nigeria)?
[28472]   Blench, Roger M. (2020) : Research on the Plateau languages of Central Nigeria
[28503]   Gerhardt, Ludwig (2020) : Verbal pluralization strategies in Plateau
[28605]   Blench, Roger M. (2018) : Nominal affixes and number marking in the Plateau languages of Central Nigeria