6 langues concernées

1822Varia > Hatsa-Sandawe > Sandawe > sandawe
NomsKisandawe ; Sandawe

35 titres trouvés

[4545]   Copland, B. D. (1938) : Notes on the phonetics of Sandawe
[4936]   Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1979) : Subject identification strategies and free word order in Sandawe
[5509]   Dobashi, Yoshihito (2004) : Phonological phrasing in Sandawe
[23411]   Dobashi, Yoshihito (2001) : Agrement and word order in Sandawe
[23422]   Dobashi, Yoshihito (2002) : Downstep and phonological phrasing in Sandawe
[5717]   Drexel, Albert (1929) : Das grammatische Geschlecht im Nama und Sandawe
[5785]   Duma, Pius Ludoviki (19--) : Maandishi ya ligha ya Kisandawe: historia yake
[25160]   Eaton, Helen (2010) : Information structure in Sandawe texts
[25892]   Eaton, Helen (2008) : Object marking and aspect in Sandawe
[27806]   Eaton, Helen (2020) : Sandawe
[28915]   Eaton, Helen (2015) : Main event line structure and aspect in Sandawe narratives
[5918]   Eaton, Helen Catherine (2001) : Word order and focus in the Sandawe irrealis
[5919]   Eaton, Helen Catherine (2002) : The grammar of focus in Sandawe
[26591]   Ehret, Christopher & Patricia Ehret (Eds) (2012) : A Dictionary of Sandawe - compiled from the field collections of Eric Ten Raa
[6110]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (1986) : Diachronic inferences from basic sentence and noun structure in central Khoisan and Sandawe
[6115]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (1989) : The significance and origin of the use of pitch in Sandawe
[6116]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (1991) : Clause structure and tone in Sandawe
[6121]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (1998) : Sandawe stems
[6692]   Fleming, Harold C. (1986) : Hadza and Sandawe genetic relations
[10205]   Kagaya, Ryohei (1990) : Jiyuu gojun gengo deno gojun seegen: Sandawe-go no baai / Restriction on word order in a free word order language: the case of the Sandawe language
[10210]   Kagaya, Ryohei (1993) : A classified vocabulary of the Sandawe language
[10211]   Kagaya, Ryohei (1994) : Sandawe-go no shinkou hyougen de no go no gruupu ni tsuite: syukaku setsuji no kousetsu ni kanshite / A word group in the progressive expression of the Sandawe language: concerning the suffixation of a subject marker
[10591]   Kähler-Meyer, Emmi (1954) : Martin van de Kimmenades Grammatik und Vokabular der Sandawe-Sprache
[23325]   Kiessling, Roland (2002) : Verbal plurality in Sandawe
[25687]   Kiessling, Roland (2010) : Sandawe verbal plurality
[10837]   Kimmenade, Martin van de (1954) : Essai de grammaire et vocabulaire de la langue Sandawe
[17822]   Sands, Bonny [Eva] (1992) : Fieldwork notes on Sandawe
[17820]   Sands, Bonny [Eva] , Ian Maddieson & Peter Ladefoged (1991) : Sandawe fieldnotes
[26442]   Steeman, Sander (2012) : A grammar of Sandawe : a Khoisan language of Tanzania
[19493]   Ten Raa, [W.] [F.] Eric [R.] (1966) : Geographical names in south-western Sandawe
[19494]   Ten Raa, [W.] [F.] Eric [R.] (1969) : Sanye and Sandawe: a common substratum?
[19495]   Ten Raa, [W.] [F.] Eric [R.] (1970) : The couth and the uncouth: ethnic, social and linguistic division among the Sandawe of Central Tanzania
[20480]   Voogt, A. J. de (1992) : Some phonetic aspects of Hatsa and Sandawe clicks
[20622]   Wald, Benji [Victor] (19--) : Sandawe fieldnotes
[21508]   Wright, R. , Ian Maddieson , Peter Ladefoged & Bonny [Eva] Sands (1995) : A phonetic study of Sandawe clicks