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02375Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo > Kainji > ror   (gel)
NomsUT-Ma’in ; U̠t-Ma'in ; U̱t-Ma'in ; ut Ma’in

4 titres trouvés

[28511]   Dow Smith Paterson, Rebecca (2019) : Nominalization and Predication in U̠t-Ma'in
[28919]   Paterson, Rebecca (2015) : Narrative uses of the U̱t-Ma'in (Kainji) Bare Verb form
[25515]   Smith Paterson, Rebecca (2012) : The semantics of ut Ma’in noun classes
[25337]   Smith, Rebecca Dow (2007) : The Noun Class system of UT-Ma’in, A West Kainji Language Of Nigeria