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02344Niger-Congo > Benue-Congo > Bantoïde > Bantu > Bantu J > tsotso   (lto)
NomsOluLuyia (OluTsootso) ; OluTsootso ; Olutsootso

6 titres trouvés

[4922]   Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1974) : Arguments for a unified treatment of y-initial and vowel-initial roots in Olutsootso
[4924]   Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1975) : The diachronic development of nasal deletion in OluTsootso
[4925]   Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1975) : On underlying and superficial constraints in OluTsootso
[4926]   Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1976) : The morphophonemics of the OluTsootso dialect of (Olu)Luyia: issues and implications
[4927]   Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1976) : Passivizing locatives in OluTsootso
[4930]   Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1977) : Towards an explanation of diachronic and synchronic exceptions on OluTsootso and Kyamutwara (Haya)